

Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


Access the previous 800 posts in our archive pages starting in March 2020 here
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  • #1423 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    #1423 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    Charing Cross Road [puddle jumper], 1937

    “A combination of the right choice of detail, the elimination of all that is inessential and the right moment that makes the picture"


    ~ Wolfgang Suschitzky

  • #1360 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    #1360 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    Charing Cross Road from No. 84, (Marks & Co.), 1936

    “There was no such thing as a photography galleries in the 1930’s. Photography was not considered collectable works of art in those days”


    ~ Wolfgang Suschitzky



    “It is difficult to speak adequately or justly of London. It is not a pleasant place, it is not agreeable or cheerful or easy or exempt from reproach. It is only magnificent"


    ~ Oscar Wilde

  • #1303 - Marc Riboud

    #1303 - Marc Riboud

    Highbury Stadium, England, 1954

    “Photographs must be taken without an exchange of glances between the photographer and the subject. Without giving, without returning anything. I just shoot”


    ~ Marc Riboud

  • #1273 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    #1273 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    Embankment, London, 1947

    “To walk alone in London is the greatest rest”

    ~ Virginia Woolf


    “I’m not aware that I have a specific style. I just take pictures as I come across them”

    ~ Wolfgang Suschitzky

  • #1243 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    #1243 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    Charing Cross Road [puddle jumper], 1937

    “I have done a great deal of work to make all these photos and all these prints. I feel I have nothing to be ashamed of”


    ~ Wolfgang Suschitzky

  • #1173 - John Bulmer

    #1173 - John Bulmer

    Girl in a Red Phone Box, United Kingdom, 1966

    "They were getting ready for their annual Village Fete and the lady was calling a friend to get the recipe for some tarts to bake. Her little girl had been in a phone box and found out that if you pressed Button B then sometimes money came out (Do you remember the old UK phone boxes?). The Mother therefore told the child that she had to face outwards and keep her hands off the buttons. I heard this story more than 50 years later when I showed the pictures in Pembridge Village Hall and I met the former child. This picture was on the cover of the Sunday Times issue”


    ~ John Bulmer

  • #1029 - Dafydd Jones

    #1029 - Dafydd Jones

    Feather Ball, 1981

    "I had access to what felt like a secret world. It was a subject that had been written about and dramatised but I don't think any photographers had ever tackled before. There was a change going on. Someone described it as a 'last hurrah' of the upper classes."

    ~ Dafydd Jones

  • #1006 - Bruce Davidson

    #1006 - Bruce Davidson

    England (nannies pulling prams), 1960

    “I had no brief, no agenda at all. They just let me loose. I was free to encounter life. There was a certain sense of grayness everywhere. That’s why these pictures are delicate and I was delicate too”

    ~ Bruce Davidson

  • #971 - Thurston Hopkins

    #971 - Thurston Hopkins

    End of a Coming Out Party, Highgate, London, 1954

    “I can’t recall anyone at Picture Post Magazine mentioning the ethics of photo journalism. It was just understood, a code of behavior which reflected the seriousness of the magazine”

    ~ Thurston Hopkins



    “This Royal Throne of Kings, this sceptered isle,
    This earth of majesty this seat of Mars,
    This other Eden, demi paradise
    This fortress built by Nature for herself
    Against infection and the hand of war
    This happy breed of men, this little world
    This precious stone set in a silver sea
    Which serves it in the office of a wall
    Or as a moat defensive to a house
    Against the envy of less happier lands
    This blessed plot, this earth
    This realm, This England”

    ~ William Shakespeare
    (Richard II)

  • #949 - London Events

    #949 - London Events

    Photo London & The Eye of the Collector

    “There’s nowhere else like London. Nothing at all, anywhere.”

    ~ Dame Vivienne Westwood

  • #861 - Bert Hardy

    #861 - Bert Hardy

    Sugar Ray Robinson, 1951

    “To be a champ you have to believe in yourself when no one else will”

    ~ Sugar Ray Robinson

    “Everywhere I look and most of the time I look, I see photographs”

    ~ Bert Hardy

  • #833 - André Kertész

    #833 - André Kertész

    Kew Gardens, London, 1948

    “I am a lucky man. I can do something with almost anything I see. Everything is still interesting to me"

    ~ André Kertész

  • #822 - Bill Brandt

    #822 - Bill Brandt

    Francis Bacon on Primrose Hill, 1963

    “Only the photographer, himself or herself, knows the effects he or she wants. They should know by instinct, grounded in experience what subjects are enhanced by hard or soft light or by dark treatment”

    ~ Bill Brandt (1904 - 1983)


    “I believe in deeply ordered chaos”

    ~ Francis Bacon, Painter (1909-1992)