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#1461 - John Simmons
Nina Simone, Nashville, TN, 1971“While you’re on stage, the audience is standing and applauding and yelling. But when you get home, you take off all your clothes and get into bed alone and that can really do something to your head and your heart.
~ Nina Simone
"Time can pass and everything can change in the world except the emotion you get from a photograph”
~ John Simmons -
#1440 - Berenice Abbott
Edward Hopper, 1947 (Printed Later)“What the human eye observes casually and incuriously, the eye of the camera notes with relentless fidelity."
(1898-1991)"If you could say it in words there would be no reason to paint. Great art is the outward expression of an inner life in the artist and this inner life would result in his or her personal vision of the world. No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination”
~ Edward Hopper
#1396 - Elliott Erwitt
Marilyn Monroe, New York, 1956“Taking pictures of celebrities is exactly like taking pictures of non-celebrities. Compose the photograph properly, try to evoke something special or unique given the available possibilities. Above all do not be intimidated. Remember that even the most exalted celebrities brush their teeth at night before going to bed”
~ Elliott Erwitt
#1389 - Don Hunstein | Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan & Suze, New York, 1960“I like America, just as everybody does. I love America, I gotta say that. But America will be judged”
~ Bob Dylan
#1388 - Marc Riboud
Yves Saint-Laurent, Paris, 1964“Photographs must be taken without an exchange of glances between the photographer and the subject. Without giving, without returning anything. I just shoot”
~ Marc Riboud
#1357 - Yousuf Karsh
Jascha Heifetz, 1950“There is a brief moment when all that there’s in a man’s mind and soul and spirit may be reflected through his eyes, his hands his attitude. This is the moment to record. This is the elusive “moment of truth”."
~ Yousuf Karsh
(1908 - 2002)“If I don’t practice one day, I know it.
Two days the critics know it. Three days the public knows it”~ Jascha Heifetz
#1352 - Neil Leifer
Portrait of SF Giants center fielder Willie Mays before a game against the LA Dodgers at Candlestick Park, San Francisco CA. July 5th, 1962“All you had to do was hang around him and magic would happen. He was naturally gregarious. He was like Ali in that respect, who I photographed alot. He loved the press”
~ Neil Leifer
“There have only been two geniuses in the world
Willie Mays and Willie Shakespeare”~ Tallulah Bankhead
#1305 - Mother's Day 2024
Audrey Hepburn on her bike with her dog "Famous" at Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, CA, 1957“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.”
~ Maya Angelou
#1279 - Harry Benson
Beatles Composing, Paris, 1964“I soon saw how the music came naturally. It wasn’t like they’d built in time to compose - they had to do it on the fly. There was a piano in Paul’s room. At one point John pulled up a chair and started tinkering. Paul joined in. John started humming what I would later recognize as the tune to,“Baby’s good to me you know / She’s happy as can be you know / She said so…..” But they got stuck. Where should it go after the melody?
George wandered over with his guitar and played a catchy rhythm - and -blues riff, plucking away. He seemed to be improvising, although John was later credited with writing the riff-influenced by Bobby Parker’s song “Watch Your Step” - the way I heard it that day it was George coming up with it. They appeared to be writing a song right in front of me. And as John and Paul kept at it on the piano, Ringo, in a black turtle-neck came over and stood next to George, and I had my shot: The Beatles composing “I Feel Fine”.
~ Harry Benson
#1206 - Allan Grant
Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly backstage at the 28th Annual Academy Awards, Hollywood, CA, 1956“Staff photographers, freelancers and everyone who owned a camera, were all hoping to get published in LIFE Magazine. It was like getting one week of fame instead of the 15 minutes Andy Warhol talked about”
~ Allan Grant
#1199 - Leonard Bernstein | Steve J. Sherman
Leonard Bernstein conducting Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, March 7, 1990"Photographing Lenny was always an event. There was always a buzz in the air, an excitement, an anticipation. When Lenny was in the house, something was going to happen. We didn’t know what, but we were on the edges of our chairs waiting to find out. I say we, as if I were one of the musicians. But I was also on stage (or hovering close by), and I found myself equally compelled to rise above my limits, and break through my upper expectations... And that was good. I was never able to let my guard down for a second – my concentration had to be complete if I wanted to follow where he was going – his energy could burst forth suddenly, his body leaping high off the podium, his arms flying in the air, eyes blazing, mouth agape… and then receding just as quickly, and barely moving, conducting with only his shoulders or eyebrows, eyes closed, deep inside the soul of the conductor…. Whatever it was, it was total immersion in the music, and the results are legendary. That night in March 1990, there was no way to know that Leonard Bernstein was struggling or that these would be the last photographs I would ever take of The Maestro. These performances were vintage Bernstein; he was as powerful and vital as ever, and it was thrilling. Yet, some point during the concert, it began to dawn on me that something was off, something was wrong. Not that it showed to the audience, but I was seeing something in him I had never before seen. His usual joy and light had somehow dimmed, and he had a gentle but profound sadness in his eyes, a deeper melancholy than I had ever before seen……Lenny died 7 and a half months later. Years after, as I was looking through these photos, I could not deny what I was seeing, so I emailed his daughter Jamie and asked if he knew at that time that he was dying. She emailed back: “I don’t know the answer to the question. But he knew ‘something wasn't right’ as far back as that January. I think maybe he had a feeling...”
~ Steve J. Sherman
#1192 - Dan Budnik
Martin Luther King, Jr. March on Washington, Minutes After Delivering "I Have A Dream" Speech., April 28, 1963"We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Washington National Cathedral, March 31, 1968ENQUIRE ABOUT THIS WORK
#1181 - Mick Rock
David Bowie, Retirement Gig, Hammersmith, Odeon, 1973, printed later“I do not use the word “genius” lightly but if David Bowie is not a genius, then there is no such thing”
~ Mick Rock
“As an adolescent, I was painfully shy, withdrawn. I didn’t really have the nerve to sing my songs on stage and nobody else was doing them. I decided to do them in disguise so that I didn’t have to actually go through the humiliation of going on stage and being myself”
~ David Bowie
#1179 - Mick Rock
Lou Reed, "Transformer" , 1972“I did not want to be somebody who lived off his reputation. I wanted to continue to be part of the modern music scene”
~ Mick Rock“Music should come crashing out of your speakers and grab you and the lyrics should challenge whatever preconceived notions the listener has"
~ Lou Reed
#1150 - Ted Russell
Bob Dylan and James Baldwin talking at the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee's Bill of Rights Dinner, NYC, 1963“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
~ James Baldwin
#1148 - Lillian Bassman
Fantasy On The Dance Floor: Barbara Mullen in a Christian Dior Dress, Paris. Harper's Bazaar, 1949"A dress is a piece of ephemeral architecture, designed to enhance the proportions of the female body. The detail is as important as the essential is."
~ Christian Dior
#1137 - Bob Dylan - Ken Regan
Bob Dylan and the band playing poker on the bus, 2001“I see that I could stop touring at anytime, but then I don’t feel like it right now. I’ve got no retirement plans”
~ Bob Dylan
#1133 - Bob Dylan - Danny Clinch
Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, 1999“I couldn’t believe I was going to photograph Bob Dylan. I chose the Ambassador Hotel because of the variety it gave me as a location. It also had a great history. It was where the Rat Pack used to hang out and play at its Coconut Grove Room. Also Robert Kennedy was assassinated there. Dylan was also interested in the history of the location. I think he stayed a few hours more for that reason. We also decided to create images with atmosphere and capturing special moments. We decided to find some props and someone came back with some foreign language newspapers and we thought it would be fun to go with that. I was simply amazed he even showed up !”
~ Danny Clinch
“What’s money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do”
~ Bob Dylan