

Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


Access the previous 800 posts in our archive pages starting in March 2020 here
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  • #1381 - Fred Lyon

    Golden Gate Bridge from Old Fort Point, c. 1950
    #1381 - Fred Lyon

    "I see pictures I would like to take. I need another lifetime to photograph San Francisco. But my life has been so much fun I can't believe it”


    ~ Fred Lyon


  • #944 - Max Yavno

    Powell Street, San Francisco, 1947/ Printed Later
    #944 - Max Yavno

    “But oh, San Francisco! It is and has everything. The wonderful sunlight there, the hills, the great bridges, the Pacific at your shoes. Beautiful Chinatown .. Every race in the world. The sardine fleets sailing out. The little cable cars whizzing down the city hills”

    ~ Dylan Thomas
    (Poet, Writer)
    1914 - 1953