

Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


Access the previous 800 posts in our archive pages starting in March 2020 here
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  • #1451 - Sabine Weiss

    #1451 - Sabine Weiss

    Restaurant Coquet, Paris, 1953 (Printed Later)

    “I have never been drawn by one thing in particular other than finishing what I started. That’s always been an obsession of mine. I was also determined to be successful in all the assignments I undertook. When I worked on advertising shoots, I chose the sets myself and really took things seriously. In my personal work, my commitment lays in the interest I had in seeing everything around me, in documenting it all and in letting myself be surprised by people, by what was going on in the street and all around me"


    ~ Sabine Weiss

  • #1415 - Wishing we were in Paris...

    “Paris is always a good idea.”


    ~ Audrey Hepburn

  • #1376 - Anastasia Samoylova

    #1376 - Anastasia Samoylova

    Antique Ford Car, Fort Meyers, 2021

    "I photographed the Antique Ford Car at the Thomas Edison and Henry Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers. The two inventors were friends and frequently summered together with their families. Can you imagine the dinner conversations? The estates feature an orange grove and lush gardens that partially reflect in the windshield. The iconic lines of the Ford Model T rendered in black and white allude to timelessness. I enjoy making images that are classically composed and could be confused with another era."


    ~ Anastasia Samoylova

  • #1364 - George Tice

    #1364 - George Tice

    Petit's Mobil Station, Cherry Hill, NJ, 1979 (Printed Later)

    “When I take a photograph I make a wish”


    ~ George Tice

  • #1342 - Elliott Erwitt

    #1342 - Elliott Erwitt

    New York, (Couple Kissing in back of car), 1953/Printed Later

    "When photography is good, it’s pretty interesting and when it is very good it is irrational and even magical…..nothing to do with the photographer’s conscious will or desire. When the photograph happens, it comes easily, as a gift that should not be questioned or analyzed."


    ~ Elliott Erwitt

  • #1316 - William Klein

    #1316 - William Klein

    Selwyn Theatre, 42nd Street, New York, 1955

    “Sometimes, I’d take shots without aiming, just to see what happened. I’d rush into crowds. It must be close to what a fighter feels after jabbing and circling and getting hit when suddenly there’s an opening and Bang! Bang! Right on the button. It’s fantastic feeling”


    ~ William Klein

  • #1291 - Fred Lyon

    #1291 - Fred Lyon

    Lombard Street Grapevine, Night, from Telegraph Hill, c. 1950's/printed later

    “In my city we like to think of ourselves as risk-taking, edge-of-the continent explorers, rakish and louche. For example, we go from sleazy to elegance and find that logical. San Francisco is a city noted for its liberal attitude where anything goes. I just love this place.”


    ~ Fred Lyon

  • #1188 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    #1188 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    Amsterdam, Prisengracht, 1934

    “Photography is a combination of the right choice of detail, the elimination of all that is inessential and the right moment that makes the picture”


    ~ Wolfgang Suschitzky

  • #1175 - Fred Lyon

    #1175 - Fred Lyon

    Overhead View of Ocean Beach, SF, c. 1950's

    "San Francisco is still a magical city. If I were a little tougher, I'd put aside that sentimental romanticism. But the city is the people, and that's what persists. Maybe it's a sickness we all have, but we keep attempting to recreate a lot of what attracted us here in the first place."


    ~ Fred Lyon 



  • #1170 - Mark Steinmetz

    #1170 - Mark Steinmetz

    Deux Chevaux, Parc Monceau, Paris, 1987

    "This photo was taken in Parc Monceau, which is in a fairly wealthy part of Paris. I was staying fairly close by on the Avenue de Wagram. The Deux Chevaux is the iconic car of mid-Twentieth Century France and its familiar and unique design has always stood out to me. In the photo, I am interested in this particularly well-worn 2CV juxtaposed against the classical columns of the park's rotunda. All these years later, I'm amazed by black and white photography's ability to preserve the fading light of a fall day that took place decades ago."


    ~  Mark Steinmetz

  • #1159 - John Bulmer

    #1159 - John Bulmer

    “Roller Girls” 1964

    “I was driving around Yorkshire and stopped by the bridge. I pretended to be photographing the buildings and switched at the last minute to catch the girls. I met one of the ladies in the picture fifty years later when the BBC did a little film about an exhibition I had in Wakefield. She rang The BBC and said “I’m the girl in the picture”. We were both invited to the studio to meet on air”


    ~ John Bulmer

  • #992 - Gianni Berengo Gardin

    #992 - Gianni Berengo Gardin

    Gran Bretagna, Great Britain, 1977 (Printed 2023)

    "Great images do not need a commentary or a context to elucidate them. As a matter of fact, it is the greatness of the images themselves that gives a meaning to the context."

    ~ Gianni Berengo Gardin

  • #966 - Elliott Erwitt

    #966 - Elliott Erwitt

    Paris, 1957
    “Be sure to take the lens cap off before photographing”

    ~ Elliott Erwitt
  • #891 - Elliott Erwitt

    #891 - Elliott Erwitt

    Paris, Arc de Triomphe, 1956

    “In life’s saddest winter moments, when you’ve been under a cloud for weeks, suddenly a glimpse of something wonderful can change the whole complexion of things, your entire feeling.The kind of photography I like to do, capturing the moment, it is very much like that break in the clouds. In a flash, a wonderful picture seems to come out of nowhere”


    ~ Elliott Erwitt

  • #819 - Louis Stettner

    #819 - Louis Stettner

    Windshield, Saratoga Springs, New York, 1957 (Printed 1981)

    “My way of life, my very being is based on images capable of engraving themselves indelibly in our inner soul’s eye.”

    ~ Louis Stettner (1922 -2016)

  • #811 - René Groebli

    #811 - René Groebli

    Various #307, 1946

    "He is a magician with the camera, the camera being his magic eye."

    ~David Blochwitz