

Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


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  • #1447 - Sarah Moon

    #1447 - Sarah Moon

    Le Cinema, edition #7/20, 1995

    “Fashion has been something I’ve done and enjoyed— I love fashion but I also like other things I’ve photographed, whatever had an echo”


    ~ Sarah Moon

  • #1396 - Elliott Erwitt

    #1396 - Elliott Erwitt

    Marilyn Monroe, New York, 1956

    “Taking pictures of celebrities is exactly like taking pictures of non-celebrities. Compose the photograph properly, try to evoke something special or unique given the available possibilities. Above all do not be intimidated. Remember that even the most exalted celebrities brush their teeth at night before going to bed”

    ~ Elliott Erwitt

  • #1350 - Sid Avery

    #1350 - Sid Avery

    Audrey Hepburn with her dog "Famous at Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, CA, 1957
    “The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the care she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman only grows with every passing year”

    ~ Audrey Hepburn
  • #935 - Ruth Bernhard

    #935 - Ruth Bernhard

    Eighth Street Movie Theater, New York [Frederick Kiesler, Architect], 1946

    “I never question what to do. It tells me what to do. The photographs make themselves with my help”


    ~ Ruth Bernhard

  • #869 - Julian Wasser

    #869 - Julian Wasser

    Steve McQueen, 1963

    "The world is as good as you are. You've got to learn to like yourself first."

    ~ Steve McQueen

  • #867 - Eve Arnold

    #867 - Eve Arnold

    Marilyn Monroe, on the Nevada desert going over her lines for a difficult scene she is about to play with Clark Gable in the film, "The Misfits" by John Huston, 1960

    “Although she seems uncertain, her understanding of what would make her a movies star was so great. The need also was so great. The intelligence was there too. She created Marilyn. She created that character, it wasn’t the movies that did it. She did it. She had much more control with a still camera than in the movies. We would discuss what we were going to do and then we would play. We used to laugh a lot. It was great.
    Neither one of us knew what we were doing and that was a bond between us. Secondly, I was not a threat to her. I had six sessions with her. The shortest was two hours which was a press event, and the longest was two months on the set of “The Misfits”. Her enemy was that she couldn’t sleep, so she would take sleeping tablets. I saw an enormous change in her over the ten years that I photographed her. In that time she had gone from a beginner to a world figure and it had taken its toll. She created “Marilyn Monroe” but it was very hard on her. To my knowledge as long as she could fantasize about being a movie star she was fine. It was when the fantasy became the reality that it was hard”


    ~ Eve Arnold
    (1912 - 2012)

    “A nice girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows that she has none”

    ~ Marilyn Monroe
    (1926 - 1962)


  • #858 - Robert Doisneau

    #858 - Robert Doisneau

    Jacques Tati, Paris, 1949

    "Jacques is the most meticulous person I know. He spent 2 hours taking the old bicycle to pieces. He has the same patience with every kind of mechanism. A gag is just another piece of clockwork”


    ~ Robert Doisneau

    “The images are designed so that after you see the picture 2 or 3 times, it’s no longer my film. It starts to be your film. You recognize the people, you know them and you don’t even know who directed the picture. “Play Time” is nobody.


    ~ Jacques Tati

  • #852 - Sarah Moon

    #852 - Sarah Moon

    Le Cinema, 1995
    “It could happen any day, anytime, any season. I am outside walking, wherever cars and people are whirling around. Fleeting thoughts vanishing through my mind, probably dealing with what I am out for, or supposed to be out for. But there is nothing I can grab, I am just there “in the turning world"

    ~Sarah Moon