

Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


Access the previous 800 posts in our archive pages starting in March 2020 here
Use the #tags below right to search by category and subject. If there is a particular subject, era, style or artist of interest, please contact our concierge service for a tailor-made private view.

  • #1382 - Wynn Bullock

    "Firm, fleshy, glistening with juice, this is an apple you want to eat. Looking at it from another perspective, the center of the halved fruit reveals a face-like form, raising the suggestion that humanity can be seen as an integral part of nature."

    ~ Chris Johnson & Barbara Bullock-Wilson
    from Wynn Bullock: 55, Phaidon Press, 2001

    "Dad called this photograph one of his “seed pictures”. He once said, “It is not that I am uninterested in telling visual stories about people and their everyday lives. I just like to leave this kind of work to others. What I prefer is to trace the hidden roots of humanity deeply embedded in nature.” Years after making this image, he explored this theme more deeply and explicitly in what turned out to be one of his last and most evocative bodies of work."

    ~ Barbara Bullock-Wilson


  • #1256 | Bernard Plossu

    #1256 | Bernard Plossu

    Saint Pierreville, Ardeche, 2012

    "Nothing important is happening but that is precisely because a great photo doesn't necessarily have to show something important, it can be ordinary, anodyne."


    ~ Bernard Plossu

  • #1151 - Willy Ronis

    #1151 - Willy Ronis

    La Nuit au Chalet, 1935

    "I never, ever, went out without my camera, even to buy bread."


    ~ Willy Ronis
    (1910 - 2009)

  • #973 - Lillian Bassman

    #973 - Lillian Bassman

    Barbara Mullen, Essex House, c. 1950

    “Would you like to have an adventure now or would you like to have your tea first?”

    ~ J.M. Barrie
    “Peter Pan”

    “Long necks. The thrust of the head in a certain position. The way the fingers work. It’s all part of my painting background”

    ~ Lillian Bassman

  • #936 - Bernard Plossu

    #936 - Bernard Plossu

    Saint Pierreville, Ardeche, 2012

    “In photography, we don’t capture time, we evoke it. It flows like fine sand, endless. We don’t take a photograph, we “see” it, then we share it with others. I practice photography to be on one level with the world and what is happening”


    ~ Bernard Plossu

  • #820 - Willy Ronis

    #820 - Willy Ronis

    Le Petit Parisian, Paris, 1952

    “I had set up near a bakery at peak hour and after a few attempts, I was not sure I had the right image. Then I noticed a boy seriously counting his pennies while waiting for his turn and I explained to him what I needed from him. Exit the bakery in a hurry with the loaf held tilted under his left arm. The first attempt was too tense, the second was perfect. We went back into the bakery to eat a chocolate treat together"

    ~ Willy Ronis

    “250 grams of magic and perfection in our daily lives. A French way of life. We had been fighting for years with bakers and the world of gastronomy for its recognition. The baguette is now a Unesco intangible heritage.”

    ~ Emmanuel Macron (President of France)

  • #816 - Jed Devine

    #816 - Jed Devine

    Pear & Colander, circa 1970

    “Form an extended sequence that moves from innocence to decay and return.”


    ~ Jed Devine

  • #5 - Kristoffer Albrecht

    #5 - Kristoffer Albrecht

    Small Apples, 1984

    I was visiting our great friend and artist, Pentti Sammallahti, in Helsinki and I casually said to him, “Perhaps there is another great photographer in Finland I should meet?”