

Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


Access the previous 800 posts in our archive pages starting in March 2020 here
Use the #tags below right to search by category and subject. If there is a particular subject, era, style or artist of interest, please contact our concierge service for a tailor-made private view.

  • #1454 - Anastasia Samoylova

    #1454 - Anastasia Samoylova

    Garden, Micanopy, 2020

    “Landscape is nearly always present in one way or another in my work. Perhaps the key here is the triple meaning of “landscape”, a type of picture, a type of view and a type of place. The three cannot really be separated. The experience of a place is shaped in advance by our experience of images of it and of related places. It is easy to realize this but coming to terms with the profound implication of it can take a long time. It is a moving dynamic."

    ~ Anastasia Samoylova

  • #1417 - Cig Harvey

    #1417 - Cig Harvey

    Petunias, Rockport, Maine, 2020

    "Photography is so connected to time, its our currency"


    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1408 - Brigitte Carnochan

    #1408 - Brigitte Carnochan

    Hydrangea, 1999 / Printed 1999

    "The qualities that have fascinated me and led me to make a particular photograph are usually quite intuitive. I generally don't have a completed concept in my mind when I begin--I move things around, change angles, lighting - until everything seems right."


    ~ Brigitte Carnochan


  • #1332 - Brett Weston

    #1332 - Brett Weston

    Calla Lilies, California, 1984 (Printed 1989)

    “I photograph out of love to record beautiful forms. It’s a way of life, a compulsion. There is nothing I would rather do.”


    ~ Brett Weston

  • #1307 - Cig Harvey

    #1307 - Cig Harvey

    All the Rhododendrons, Camden, Maine, 2019

    “When I’m not making work, I’m spending my time reading. I’m reading and thinking about how to present something in a different way visually or through words”


    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1298 - Luis González Palma

    “In my artistic process I have tried to create images that invite the observer to examine by means of what I call “emotional contemplation” assigning through the beauty in them the meaning of their shape”


    ~ Luis González Palma

  • #1282 - Brigitte Carnochan

    #1282 - Brigitte Carnochan

    Tea Rose IV, 1999

    “Earth laughs in flowers.”

    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • #1278 - Cig Harvey

    #1278 - Cig Harvey

    Claire in the Forsythia, Rockport, Maine, 2010

    “Nature doesn’t wait for anyone”

    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1274 - Cig Harvey

    #1274 - Cig Harvey

    Rose Petals on the Stairs, Mexico, 2020
    “Nature doesn’t wait for anyone”

    ~ Cig Harvey
  • #1234 - Paul Cupido

    #1234 - Paul Cupido

    Sakuda, 2019

    "The essence of my work really is about the little moments of wonder in life"


    ~ Paul Cupido

  • #1223 - Ansel Adams

    #1223 - Ansel Adams

    Rose and Driftwood, San Francisco , 1932
    “Adams feels deeply what he sees, he has a reverence for the earth in all its variety, delicacy and strength, but he is the absolute reverse of effusive: he sees with such austerity, even severity, that some have mistakenly called him cold. He has an incomparable technical expertness in communicating what he sees and feels, and for half a century and more he has gone on making photographs so plainly stamped with his personal artistry that they hardly need his steeple-A signature on them. They have taught thousands how to see: they have become household images, they have steadily affirmed life.”~ Wallace Stegner
  • #1218 - Cig Harvey

    #1218 - Cig Harvey

    Red Dahlias, Camden Maine, 2021

    “In many ways I'm drawn to the natural world because of the cycle of life and the ephemeral nature of flowers and their beauty, meaning that you have to be present right now” 

    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1184 - Cig Harvey

    #1184 - Cig Harvey

    Clive Blossom, Rockport, Maine, 2021

    “It is a scientistic fact that color affects the body"


    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1176 - Paul Caponigro

    #1176 - Paul Caponigro

    Wild Flowers / Wet Window, Cape Cod, MA, 1958

    “At first, I looked questionably at the field weeds and stems stuck into a vase, but on further scanning of the back ground, I became enamored of the pane of glass dappled with raindrops and misty patches of light. I was taken with how beautifully dark and light were splashed throughout the image and how easily the stems and dry flowers graced the vase. Taken as a whole, this photo meets the eye as an overall texture rather than as neatly grouped elements with a frame. Were it not for some of the parts showing how crisply they can be delineated by the camera lens, I would describe this photograph as being gently impressionistic."


    ~ Paul Caponigro

  • #1153 - Michael Kenna

    #1153 - Michael Kenna

    Mamta's Lotus Flower, Ban Viengkeo, Luang Prabang, 2015 (Printed 2016)

    "I gravitate towards places where humans have been and are no more, to the edge of man’s influence, where the elements are taking over or covering man’s traces."


    ~ Michael Kenna

  • #1144 - Brigitte Carnochan

    #1144 - Brigitte Carnochan

    Massed Sunflowers, 2006

    "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do."


    ~ Helen Keller

  • #1134 - Steve McCurry

    #1134 - Steve McCurry

    Floating Offerings, Varanasi, India, 1996

    “If you wait, people will forget your camera and the soul will drift up into view.”


    ~ Steve McCurry

  • #1132 - Ansel Adams

    #1132 - Ansel Adams

    Rose and Driftwood, San Francisco , 1932

    “Adams feels deeply what he sees, he has a reverence for the earth in all its variety, delicacy and strength, but he is the absolute reverse of effusive: he sees with such austerity, even severity, that some have mistakenly called him cold. He has an incomparable technical expertness in communicating what he sees and feels, and for half a century and more he has gone on making photographs so plainly stamped with his personal artistry that they hardly need his steeple-A signature on them. They have taught thousands how to see: they have become household images, they have steadily affirmed life.”


    ~ Wallace Stegner



    “I had a fine north-light window in my San Francisco home which gave beautiful illumination, especially on foggy days. My mother had proudly brought me a large, pale pink rose from our garden and I immediately wanted to photograph it. The north light from the window was marvelous for the translucent petals of the rosebud. I could not find an appropriate background. Everything I tried, bowls, pillows, stacked books and so on was unsatisfactory. I finally remembered a piece of weathered plywood picked up at nearby Baker Beach as wave - worn driftwood. Two pillows on a table supported the wood at the right height under the window and the rose rested comfortably upon it. The relationship of the plywood design to the petal shapes was fortunate and I lost no time completing the picture “


    ~ Ansel Adams

  • #1130 - Sheila Metzner

    #1130 - Sheila Metzner

    Peony., 1998, printed 2017

    "This is work. My work contains everything I love. It is all in each photograph. No darkness. No despair. No evil. No fear. Love chooses the settings. Love chooses the props. It is both the myth and the reality of my existence. My life on earth, to share. At the same time, it is a document and an homage to all that has inspired me."

    ~ Sheila Metzner

  • The Power of Photography Exhibition at the Bowers Museum

    The Power of Photography Exhibition at the Bowers Museum

    Audrey Hepburn with Flowers, 1955 (Printed 2017)
    We are looking forward to the opening of “The Power of Photography” exhibition at the Bowers Museum this Saturday! This exhibition will feature a selection of over 70 original prints curated by collector and gallerist Peter Fetterman, on view October 7th, 2023 to January 14th 2024. The museum will also be hosting a number of events around the exhibition including a lecture and book signing by Peter Fetterman on October 7th at the Bowers Museum. To attend the event online or at the museum please see below for tickets and more information.
  • #1102 - Paul Caponigro

    #1102 - Paul Caponigro

    Sunflower Face, Winthrop, MA, 1965, printed 2019

    “Though flaunting its charm by the light of day, the flower seems to have been hiding an aspect of it’s deeper interior as I studied it on my camera’s ground glass. Having photographed and studied the sunflower in many of its growing aspects, I was intrigued with the images presented in its process of drying and dying. Beauty always attended its outer aspects in life, whereas the folding up of the dying petals gave images a more interior and reflective stance, like that taught by the mystics”

    ~ Paul Caponigro

  • #1092 - Paul Caponigro

    #1092 - Paul Caponigro

    Rose Bowl, Still Life, Cushing ME, 2002

    “In the late 1990’s, I was afflicted with knee problems and had both knees replaced. The surgery was not that difficult, but therapy and exercise did prove to be tedious. As a result, I found it most difficult to heft my 5 x 7 view camera into the field along with the weighty tripod required. It then occurred to me that I could make photographs indoors as well as in the great outdoors. In the field, I often had found sticks, stones and bones that were interesting enough to enjoy in my home, and I began to look at them now as potential subjects for photographs. It was the beginning of a long period of trying to arrange objects well enough to avoid a stilted look. Nature always had her way of presenting her creations with grace and beauty, even within seemingly chaotic views”


    ~ Paul Caponigro

  • #1079 - Michael Kenna

    #1079 - Michael Kenna

    Mamta's Lotus Flower, Ban Viengkeo, Luang Prabang, 2015 (Printed 2016)

    “I travelled to Laos at the behest of the photographer Kenro Izu to make photographs which could be used and auctioned to raise funds for his Children’s Hospital there. Over the space of ten days, I photographed Buddhist Temples, the Mekong River and various mountains, trees, and landscapes of this delightfully hospitable country.
    Whilst I stayed in Luang Prabang, I would walk from my hotel into town each evening to find something to eat for dinner. One night, on my way home I came across a pond with lotus flowers, closed and asleep for the night. The next morning I was there early to photograph these gorgeous white flowers as they lay open, floating on the water’s surface. This lotus flower was particularly appealing and starkly beautiful: hence I referenced my wife Mamta in the title. A year or so later, somebody kindly pointed out to me that the flower was not a lotus but a water lily!

    Apparently, lotus flowers hover six inches above the water, water lilies float. Fortunately, I have an understanding wife and we decided together that it was too late to change the title to Mamta’s Water Lily. What’s in a name anyway!”


    ~ Michael Kenna

  • #1071 - Cig Harvey

    #1071 - Cig Harvey

    New Ferns, Camden, Maine, 2019

    “If we feel more, I feel we will have more compassion. I use all of the formal devices that I have as an artist to ask, ‘How can I get you to look? How can I get you to live more?” 


    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1070 - Sheila Metzner

    #1070 - Sheila Metzner

    White Anturiums., 1984, printed 2017

    “Tears fell from my eyes when I saw the first two prints. I said, "Mr. Fresson, I'm going to be working with you for a long time."


    ~ Sheila Metzner

  • #1057 - William Gilles

    #1057 - William Gilles

    Calla Lily, Oregon, 1973

    "Sometimes you walk a very thin line as an artist. It’s dangerous. You have to let yourself go, but not too far. "

    ~ William Gilles

  • #1056 - Brigitte Carnochan

    #1056 - Brigitte Carnochan

    Purple Dahlia, 2006

    "Well, if it stays with you—over time—it has a certain power, right? I think there are so many things about a photograph that might make it “great.” "

    ~ Brigitte Carnochan

  • #1039 - Marc Riboud

    #1039 - Marc Riboud

    Young Girl with Flower in demonstration against the war in Vietnam, Washington, USA, 1967

    "Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second."


    ~ Marc Riboud

  • #1033 - Cig Harvey

    #1033 - Cig Harvey

    Forsythia, (Forcing Bloom in the Bathtub), 2020

    “I want my photographs to be sensory, like edible flowers, a visual taste. Color and flowers act as symbol and metaphor to access our senses,”

    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1028 - Sheila Metzner

    #1028 - Sheila Metzner

    Painted Gladiola, 1981, Printed 1981

    "Photography is still the most basic form of magic. Caught in my "box of darkness", the image becomes immortal."

    ~ Shelia Metzner

  • #1014 - Ron Van Dongen

    #1014 - Ron Van Dongen

    Rosa meinivoz 'Summer's Kiss', 1999

    “I was aiming for the rich details and opulent compositions of the Dutch and Flemish Golden Age painters. But soon I discovered it was just too much information. I wanted something simpler — to focus on a specific theme and develop a style.”

    ~ Ron Van Dongen

  • #1007 - Unknown

    #1007 - Unknown

    Flower Photogram 4, circa 1900

    “If you see a tree as blue, then make it blue.”

    ~ Paul Gauguin
    (1848 - 1903)

  • #999 - Brigitte Carnochan

    #999 - Brigitte Carnochan

    Tea Rose I, 1997

    "The qualities that have fascinated me and led me to make a particular photograph are usually quite intuitive. I generally don't have a completed concept in my mind when I begin--I move things around, change angles, lighting - until everything seems right."


    ~ Brigitte Carnochan

  • #991 - The Flower Show, PFG & L.A. Louver | Luis González Palma

    We are happy to join with our esteemed colleagues at LA Louver (Venice, CA) to celebrate this summer the beauty and power of botanicals in our two exhibitions, The Flower Show.

  • #984 - William B. Post

    #984 - William B. Post

    Woman picking flowers, 1900

    “If you look the right way, you can see the whole world is a garden"

    ~ Frances Hodgson Burnett

  • #982 - The Flower show | Cig Harvey

    #982 - The Flower show | Cig Harvey

    All the Pink Flowers, Rockport, Maine, 2020

    "Photography always just gives, it never takes away"

    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #977 - New Exhibition: The Flower Show | Robert Doisneau

    #977 - New Exhibition: The Flower Show | Robert Doisneau

    Voiture de Quatre-Saisons: Les Fleurs de la Place du Marche Saint-Honore

    “I’m quite happy with my pictures. I’ve been co-habitant with them for years now and we know each other inside out. So I feel I’m entitled to say that pictures have a life and a character of their own. Maybe they’re like plants, they won’t really flourish unless you talk to them"

    ~ Robert Doisneau

  • #946 - Robert Whitaker

    #946 - Robert Whitaker

    John with Flower, Weybridge, May 1965

    “There were about 100 people who ran the 1960’s in England and I was fortunate enough to meet, work with and/or photograph virtually all of them”

    ~ Robert Whitaker

    “Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow”

    ~ John Lennon

  • #923 - Ernesto Esquer

    #923 - Ernesto Esquer

    Cactus Bloom, Tucson, Arizona, 2014
    “The Sonoran Desert bloom is a magical time for us in this area. Thanks to the winter rains, brown and arid is replaced with a magnificent array of colors, with flowers popping up seemingly overnight. Cactus flowers in particular are the greatest gift. After hibernating and saving up their energy during the cold months, the mother cactus plant releases a display of hues and tones that one would think come from another world. This hand colored print serves as tribute to all the colors of prickly pear cactus you see around the desert during this blooming period.”
  • #903 - Edouard Boubat

    #903 - Edouard Boubat

    Les Tournesols, Ile de France, 1988

    “There is something instinctive about the moment you choose to “take” a photograph. It’s not the result of thought or reflection.The strength of the composition is always born of the instinct of the decision. It reminds me of archery. There is the tension of the bow and the free flight of the arrow”

    ~ Edouard Boubat
    (1923 - 1999)

  • #849 - Cig Harvey

    #849 - Cig Harvey

    Claire in the Forsythia, Rockport, Maine, 2010

    How to Force Blossoms

    1. Acknowledge out loud your desperation for spring.

    2. Find branches with plenty of buds on them.

    3. Cut the stems at an angle.

    4. Arrange in warm water.

    5. Change the water daily.

    6. Place in indirect sunlight all over the house.

    7. Wait.

    Warning — Forcing forsythia may cause a temporary aversion to violet, its opposite on the color spectrum.

    ~Cig Harvey