

Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


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  • #1455 - Gordon Parks

    #1455 - Gordon Parks

    James Galanos Fashion, Hollywood, California, 1961, printed 2015

    “I think that after nearly 85 years upon this planet that I have a right after working so hard at showing the desolation and the poverty, to show something beautiful for somebody as well”


    ~ Gordon Parks



    “My clothes are too chic for most women. If they want to wear them all right, but they’ve got to live up to them”


    ~ James Galanos

  • #1352 - Neil Leifer

    #1352 - Neil Leifer

    Portrait of SF Giants center fielder Willie Mays before a game against the LA Dodgers at Candlestick Park, San Francisco CA. July 5th, 1962

    “All you had to do was hang around him and magic would happen. He was naturally gregarious. He was like Ali in that respect, who I photographed alot. He loved the press”


    ~ Neil Leifer



    “There have only been two geniuses in the world
    Willie Mays and Willie Shakespeare”


    ~ Tallulah Bankhead

  • #1332 - Brett Weston

    #1332 - Brett Weston

    Calla Lilies, California, 1984 (Printed 1989)

    “I photograph out of love to record beautiful forms. It’s a way of life, a compulsion. There is nothing I would rather do.”


    ~ Brett Weston

  • #1305 - Mother's Day 2024

    #1305 - Mother's Day 2024

    Audrey Hepburn on her bike with her dog "Famous" at Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, CA, 1957

    “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.”


    ~ Maya Angelou

  • #1291 - Fred Lyon

    #1291 - Fred Lyon

    Lombard Street Grapevine, Night, from Telegraph Hill, c. 1950's/printed later

    “In my city we like to think of ourselves as risk-taking, edge-of-the continent explorers, rakish and louche. For example, we go from sleazy to elegance and find that logical. San Francisco is a city noted for its liberal attitude where anything goes. I just love this place.”


    ~ Fred Lyon

  • #1206 - Allan Grant

    #1206 - Allan Grant

    Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly backstage at the 28th Annual Academy Awards, Hollywood, CA, 1956

    “Staff photographers, freelancers and everyone who owned a camera, were all hoping to get published in LIFE Magazine. It was like getting one week of fame instead of the 15 minutes Andy Warhol talked about”


    ~ Allan Grant 

  • #1149 - Ansel Adams

    #1149 - Ansel Adams

    Sentinel Rock, Winter Dusk, Yosemite National Park, California, 1944 (printed 1950)

    “I knew my destiny when I first experienced Yosemite”


    ~ Ansel Adams

  • #1139 - Ezra Stoller

    #1139 - Ezra Stoller

    Salk Institute, 1977

    "I sense Light as the giver of all presences, and material as spent Light. What is made by Light casts a shadow, and the shadow belongs to Light."


    ~ Louis Kahn

    "The camera is a remarkable instrument. Saturate yourself with your subject, and the camera will all but take you by the hand and point the way."


    ~ Ezra Stoller

  • #1133 - Bob Dylan - Danny Clinch

    #1133 - Bob Dylan - Danny Clinch

    Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, 1999

    “I couldn’t believe I was going to photograph Bob Dylan. I chose the Ambassador Hotel because of the variety it gave me as a location. It also had a great history. It was where the Rat Pack used to hang out and play at its Coconut Grove Room. Also Robert Kennedy was assassinated there. Dylan was also interested in the history of the location. I think he stayed a few hours more for that reason. We also decided to create images with atmosphere and capturing special moments. We decided to find some props and someone came back with some foreign language newspapers and we thought it would be fun to go with that. I was simply amazed he even showed up !”


    ~ Danny Clinch


    “What’s money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do”


    ~ Bob Dylan

  • #1080 - John Humble

    #1080 - John Humble

    Lifeguard Station #26, #4, 1999

    “Humble's impres­sive output of colour photographs does for LA by day what Brassai did for Paris by night. Despite their geographic specificity, though, what makes Humble's pictures intriguing isn't the way they create a sense of place about the city, but how they capture its sense of dislocation. ”


    ~ Carmine Iannaccone

  • #1008 - Ansel Adams

    #1008 - Ansel Adams

    El Capitan, Sunrise, Winter, Yosemite National Park, California, 1968 (Printed 1976)

    “I knew my destiny when I first experienced Yosemite”

    ~ Ansel Adams

  • #1000 - Ansel Adams

    #1000 - Ansel Adams

    Monolith, The Face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, California, 1927

    “I can still recall the excitement of seeing the visualization “come true” when I removed the plate from the fixing bath for examination. The desired values were all there in their beautiful negative interpretation. This was one of the most exciting moments of my photographic career.”

    ~ Ansel Adams

  • #993 - Ansel Adams

    #993 - Ansel Adams

    Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, 1942

    “It is difficult to conceive of a substance more impressively brilliant than the spurting plumes of white waters in sunlight against a deep blue sky”

    ~ Ansel Adams

  • #981 - Fred Lyon

    #981 - Fred Lyon

    Fog Under Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, 1949

    "Nobody has ever accused me of being an intellectual. So perhaps the most significant asset I bring to my efforts is an innocent eye. Endless curiosity propels me. Then the discipline of years and respect for the affairs of craftsmanship allow the vision to develop mysteriously into a surprise. Gratitude for arduous, mundane, or occasionally painful experiences is rare, but the many types of photography in my background have allowed some visual synthesis to emerge from my monkey mind. Restless and impatient, with no time to dwell on such things, I lurch onward. No subject is sacred or safe from my attack. Beware. Being inherently nosy, I poke into every odd corner. Since photography is a process of discovery for me, I periodically produce an image that delights or amuses me. Then I'm anxious to see what it evokes in others."


    ~ Fred Lyon

  • #952 - Jeffrey Conley

    #952 - Jeffrey Conley

    Sierra Crest and Moon, from White Mountains, CA 2019

    "I can’t stress enough how important observation is as the foundational component of being a photographer. It is all about noticing things; light, texture, form, the confluence of these elements within infinite combinations. Essentially my passion for landscape photography came through being a person who is a certain type of observant as well as someone who has always felt at peace and tremendously as ease out in nature."

    ~ Jeffrey Conley

  • #885 - Elliott Erwitt

    #885 - Elliott Erwitt

    California, Malibu Kiss

    “I do not love you except because I love you;
    I go from loving to not loving you,
    From waiting to not waiting for you,
    My heart moves from cold to fire.
    I love you only because it's you the one I love;
    I hate you deeply, and hating you, bend to you,
    and the measure of my changing love for you,
    Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

    Maybe January light will consume my heart with its cruel ray,
    stealing my key to true calm.
    In this part of the story I am the one who dies,
    The only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
    Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.”

    ~ Pablo Neruda
    (Sonnet LXVI: I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You)

  • #3 - Wynn Bullock

    #3 - Wynn Bullock

    Woman's Hands, 1956 (printed 1991)
    Wynn Bullock, to my mind, is one the greatest 20th Century photographers. Often eclipsed by his more well known contemporaries, Edward Weston and Ansel Adams.  This is a haunting portrait of his mother’s hands taken in his modest house in Carmel in 1956. The beauty of the print just knocks me out and is the definition of the word “primal”.