

Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


Access the previous 800 posts in our archive pages starting in March 2020 here
Use the #tags below right to search by category and subject. If there is a particular subject, era, style or artist of interest, please contact our concierge service for a tailor-made private view.

  • #1458 - Robert Doisneau

    #1458 - Robert Doisneau

    Cour Carrée du Louvre, 1969

    “So you arrive in a place that seems good, where things are composed harmoniously in the space. Then you wait. Waiting with irrational crazy hope. Then people come into the frame and “click” you take the picture"


    ~ Robert Doisneau

  • #1441 - Robert Doisneau

    #1441 - Robert Doisneau

    Le Fox-Terrier du Pont des Arts, 1953

    “The world I was trying to present was one where I would feel good, where people would be friendly, where I could find the tenderness I longed for"


    ~ Robert Doisneau

  • #1425 - Kristoffer Albrecht

    #1425 - Kristoffer Albrecht

    Dog With Suitcase, 1982

    “The basis for my artistic work is concrete observation. I am interested in the photographs as a physical object and all the prints are made by myself. "


    ~ Kristoffer Albrecht

  • #1383 - Pentti Sammallahti

    #1383 - Pentti Sammallahti

    Pyhäjärvi, Finland (Sleeping Boy & Dog), 2000 (Printed Later)

    “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”


    ~ Will Rogers


  • #1375 - Dorothy Bohm

    #1375 - Dorothy Bohm

    Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, 1953

    “A photograph fulfills my deep need to stop things from disappearing”


    ~ Dorothy Bohm
    1924 - 2023

  • #1305 - Mother's Day 2024

    #1305 - Mother's Day 2024

    Audrey Hepburn on her bike with her dog "Famous" at Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, CA, 1957

    “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.”


    ~ Maya Angelou

  • #1297 - William Klein

    #1297 - William Klein

    Dolores Wants a Taxi, New York (Vogue), 1958, printed 2016

    “A good photograph becomes something more than just a good photograph. It has meaning and value that extends beyond the medium itself. Something spiritual that reveals something about life”


    ~ William Klein

  • #1160 - John Bulmer

    #1160 - John Bulmer

    Potteries, United Kingdom , 1961

    “I arrived at this location from London and had only a couple of days due to the low budget. One thing I tried to do when I arrived somewhere was to get a local map and drive to a hill or vantage point to get a sense of the place. When I got to the top I saw the view over the old pottery kilns and the man with a dog. As a newspaper photographer that I then was I always had my long lens on a camera, loaded and ready, so I was able to grab it and get this shot before he walked off"


    ~ John Bulmer

  • #1017 - Jacques Lowe

    #1017 - Jacques Lowe

    Hyannis Port Summer, Bobby, Michael, Courtney and dog Brumus, 1962

    “The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better."

    ~ Robert Francis Kennedy
    (1925 - 1968)

  • #998 - Pentti Sammallahti

    #998 - Pentti Sammallahti

    Pyhäjärvi, Finland (Sleeping Boy & Dog), 2000 (Printed Later)

    "If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."


    ~ Will Rogers

  • #970 - Elliott Erwitt

    #970 - Elliott Erwitt

    Douglas, Wyoming. 1954

    “To me photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them"


    ~ Elliott Erwitt

  • #966 - Elliott Erwitt

    #966 - Elliott Erwitt

    Paris, 1957
    “Be sure to take the lens cap off before photographing”

    ~ Elliott Erwitt
  • #931 - Pentti Sammallahti

    #931 - Pentti Sammallahti

    Fabiansgatan, 2001

    “You don’t take a photo, the photo gives itself to you”


    ~ Pentti Sammallahti

  • #924 - Dorothy Bohm (1924-2023)
    “I have spent my lifetime taking photographs. The photograph fulfills my deep need to stop things from disappearing. It makes transience less painful and retains some of the special magic which I have looked for and found. I have tried to create order out of chaos, to find stability in flux and beauty in the most unlikely places”

    ~ Dorothy Bohm
  • #878 - Elliott Erwitt

    #878 - Elliott Erwitt

    New York City, 1999

    “Dogs have more to do than children. For one thing, they are focused to lead a life that is really schizoid. Every minute, they have to be on two planes at once, juggling the dog world against the human world. And they’re always on call. Their owners want instant affection everyday, any time of day. A dog can never say that he has other things to do. He can never have a headache, like a wife.”


    ~ Elliott Erwitt

  • #836 - Georges Dambier

    #836 - Georges Dambier

    Sophie Litvak et le petit chien (Sophie with little dog), Paris, 1952

    “Darling, you are in love with my camera!”

    ~ Georges Dambier