

Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


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  • #1452 - Louis Stettner

    #1452 - Louis Stettner

    Coming to America, 1951/Printed Late

    “My Credo, my way of life, my very being is based on images capable of engraving themselves indelibly in our inner soul’s eye. Also, through my personal vision, to reveal what cannot be readily seen, to capture what is most meaningful, to enrich our appreciation of life. It is to explore and celebrate the human condition and the world around us, nature and man together, to find significance in suffering and all that is profound, beautiful and nourishes the soul. Above all, I believe in creative work through struggle to increase human wisdom and happiness”


    ~ Louis Stettner

  • #1210 - Michael Kenna

    #1210 - Michael Kenna

    Pine Trees, Study 4, Wolcheon, Gangwondo, 2011

    "I was lucky to discover a group of pine trees in 2007, while photographing watchtowers on the east coast beaches of Gangwando. When I first saw this copse, the trees were dramatic and dark, set against grey, ominous clouds. I photographed them at dusk, until it started to rain, and then drove off to visit a Buddhist temple many miles away. I was unaware that these trees were imminently at risk to be cut down and replaced with a liquified natural gas industrial development. Fortunately, an environmental movement was set up to fight against the destruction of the trees and it succeeded in preserving them. I was very happy to later learn that my photograph was used as part of their campaign. The LNG plant was eventually built, but it was put underground and the trees survive to this day. I have revisited this location many times since and intend to continue photographing these beautiful trees."


    ~ Michael Kenna

  • #1151 - Willy Ronis

    #1151 - Willy Ronis

    La Nuit au Chalet, 1935

    "I never, ever, went out without my camera, even to buy bread."


    ~ Willy Ronis
    (1910 - 2009)

  • #1140 - Sebastião Salgado

    #1140 - Sebastião Salgado

    Mentawai, Indonesia, 2008

    “What I want is the world to remember the problems and the people I photograph. What I want is to create a discussion about what is happening around the world and to provoke some debate with these pictures. Nothing more than this. I don’t want people to look at them and appreciate the light and the palate of tones. I want them to look inside and see what the pictures represent, and the kind of people I photograph.”


    ~ Sebastião Salgado

  • #907 - Charles Scowen

    #907 - Charles Scowen

    The Lake Kandy, Sri Lanka 1880

    “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”


    ~ Susan Sontag

  • #900 - Willy Ronis

    #900 - Willy Ronis

    La Ciotat, 1947

    “Most of my photographs were taken in the spur of the moment, very quickly, just as they occurred. All attention focuses on the specific instant, almost too good to be true, which can only vanish in the following one”


    ~ Willy Ronis

  • #848 - Willy Ronis

    #848 - Willy Ronis

    Fondamente Nuove, Venice, 1959
    “The sun, which was already a little low created sharp silhouettes against the back light. I switched out the 28mm for the exact opposite, the 135 mm which would best form the image that I was hoping for and which I could already see in my head. Just as I hoped a little girl stepped on to the bridge. A single click”

    ~ Willy Ronis(1910-2009)
  • #829 - John Simmons

    #829 - John Simmons

    His Head Is In The Clouds, Texas, 2022

    “A plane aims for the heavens but goes no higher while heaven continues upward, boundless like dreams, infinite like the horizon across the windows. A man with his head in the clouds dreams, free”


    ~ John Simmons

  • #2 - Alfred Stieglitz

    #2 - Alfred Stieglitz

    The Steerage, 1907

    Of course, “The Steerage” is one of the most celebrated images in the history of photography. For good reason as its' genius graphic construction and human empathy is utterly timeless.