

Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


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  • #1454 - Anastasia Samoylova

    #1454 - Anastasia Samoylova

    Garden, Micanopy, 2020

    “Landscape is nearly always present in one way or another in my work. Perhaps the key here is the triple meaning of “landscape”, a type of picture, a type of view and a type of place. The three cannot really be separated. The experience of a place is shaped in advance by our experience of images of it and of related places. It is easy to realize this but coming to terms with the profound implication of it can take a long time. It is a moving dynamic."

    ~ Anastasia Samoylova

  • #1422 - Cig Harvey

    #1422 - Cig Harvey

    Boltonia Asteroides, Union, Maine, 2019

    "I put my secrets, hopes and concerns in my work. The subject matter and formal concerns of color, light and frame has always been the device to get to the story itself. I want my photographs to be a jolt. They explore a magic in the world while having one foot very much placed in reality."


    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1417 - Cig Harvey

    #1417 - Cig Harvey

    Petunias, Rockport, Maine, 2020

    "Photography is so connected to time, its our currency"


    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1408 - Brigitte Carnochan

    #1408 - Brigitte Carnochan

    Hydrangea, 1999 / Printed 1999

    "The qualities that have fascinated me and led me to make a particular photograph are usually quite intuitive. I generally don't have a completed concept in my mind when I begin--I move things around, change angles, lighting - until everything seems right."


    ~ Brigitte Carnochan


  • #1368 - Luis González Palma

    #1368 - Luis González Palma

    El Hombre Triste, 1998

    “In this series of portraits the countenance served as a mirror in which I looked at myself, wondered and searched for meaning...the strength of the glance lies in the power it has to reverse my own, and this power reaches its most intense value if it manages to reverse the spectator’s as well. To the observer, to discover him or her self in this internal, silent gaze, accompanied by this immobile countenance that stares back at him, means to become aware that. We all share a common destiny. A reflection on beauty as fragility, memory as pain and time as a continuous fall”


    ~ Luis González Palma

  • #1332 - Brett Weston

    #1332 - Brett Weston

    Calla Lilies, California, 1984 (Printed 1989)

    “I photograph out of love to record beautiful forms. It’s a way of life, a compulsion. There is nothing I would rather do.”


    ~ Brett Weston

  • #1307 - Cig Harvey

    #1307 - Cig Harvey

    All the Rhododendrons, Camden, Maine, 2019

    “When I’m not making work, I’m spending my time reading. I’m reading and thinking about how to present something in a different way visually or through words”


    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1302 - Paul Cupido

    #1302 - Paul Cupido

    Varanasi, India, 1956

    “For me personal experiences are the initial impulses to create. When presenting the work after period of contemplation, I hope these feelings and emotions become more abstract and universal. In the end it is not about us, but a deeper, universal emotion and connection”


    ~ Paul Cupido

  • #1294 - Paul Cupido

    #1294 - Paul Cupido

    Diptych Blue Gold, 2021

    “Our way of life is strongly dependent on the cycle and rhythm of the seasons, the movement of the tides and the phases of the moon”


    ~ Paul Cupido

  • #1282 - Brigitte Carnochan

    #1282 - Brigitte Carnochan

    Tea Rose IV, 1999

    “Earth laughs in flowers.”

    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • #1153 - Michael Kenna

    #1153 - Michael Kenna

    Mamta's Lotus Flower, Ban Viengkeo, Luang Prabang, 2015 (Printed 2016)

    "I gravitate towards places where humans have been and are no more, to the edge of man’s influence, where the elements are taking over or covering man’s traces."


    ~ Michael Kenna

  • #1144 - Brigitte Carnochan

    #1144 - Brigitte Carnochan

    Massed Sunflowers, 2006

    "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do."


    ~ Helen Keller

  • #1132 - Ansel Adams

    #1132 - Ansel Adams

    Rose and Driftwood, San Francisco , 1932

    “Adams feels deeply what he sees, he has a reverence for the earth in all its variety, delicacy and strength, but he is the absolute reverse of effusive: he sees with such austerity, even severity, that some have mistakenly called him cold. He has an incomparable technical expertness in communicating what he sees and feels, and for half a century and more he has gone on making photographs so plainly stamped with his personal artistry that they hardly need his steeple-A signature on them. They have taught thousands how to see: they have become household images, they have steadily affirmed life.”


    ~ Wallace Stegner



    “I had a fine north-light window in my San Francisco home which gave beautiful illumination, especially on foggy days. My mother had proudly brought me a large, pale pink rose from our garden and I immediately wanted to photograph it. The north light from the window was marvelous for the translucent petals of the rosebud. I could not find an appropriate background. Everything I tried, bowls, pillows, stacked books and so on was unsatisfactory. I finally remembered a piece of weathered plywood picked up at nearby Baker Beach as wave - worn driftwood. Two pillows on a table supported the wood at the right height under the window and the rose rested comfortably upon it. The relationship of the plywood design to the petal shapes was fortunate and I lost no time completing the picture “


    ~ Ansel Adams

  • #1130 - Sheila Metzner

    #1130 - Sheila Metzner

    Peony., 1998, printed 2017

    "This is work. My work contains everything I love. It is all in each photograph. No darkness. No despair. No evil. No fear. Love chooses the settings. Love chooses the props. It is both the myth and the reality of my existence. My life on earth, to share. At the same time, it is a document and an homage to all that has inspired me."

    ~ Sheila Metzner