Scroll down below to explore the latest posts from our daily collecting guide, Peter's quotes, notes and reflections from forty years of collecting and dealing in photography. Started during lockdown and continued by popular demand for over three years now, daily posts are sent by email to our mailing list subscribers, with live works for sale and related works to explore, as well as advance previews of exhibitions and events.


Access the previous 800 posts in our archive pages starting in March 2020 here
Use the #tags below right to search by category and subject. If there is a particular subject, era, style or artist of interest, please contact our concierge service for a tailor-made private view.

  • #1380 - Sabine Weiss

    #1380 - Sabine Weiss

    Restaurant Coquet, Paris, 1953 (Printed Later)

    “What I don’t understand is how I was able to do so many things in the same period. That’s amazing! And completely different things. It was a very beautiful life. I don’t want to start over because it’s not advisable. But I regret nothing”


    ~ Sabine Weiss


  • #1379 - George Hoyningen-Huene

    #1379 - George Hoyningen-Huene

    Evening Dress by Vionnet, Paris, 1934 (Printed Later)

    “Somehow the earlier photographers had as yet not captured the attitudes and gestures that women assumed. They seemed to freeze in front of the lens as if posing for their portraits whereas the top fashion illustrators would render them as they actually saw them in real life. Was there no way of achieving the same results with photography?”

    ~ George Hoyningen Huene

    “The dress must not hang on the body but follow its lines. When a woman smiles the dress must smile with her”

    ~ Madeleine Vionnet
    French Fashion Designer

  • #1378 - Yousuf Karsh

    #1378 - Yousuf Karsh

    Pablo Casals, 1954

    “As I drove along the dusty road to Prades in 1954, I had the feeling that I was on a pilgrimage bent. I was going to meet that great self-exile and patron saint of music, Pablo Casals. He did not disappoint me. I had never photographed a warmer or more sensitive human being."


    ~ Yousuf Karsh
    (1908 - 2002)

    “Of course, I continue to play and to practice. I think I would do so if I lived for another hundred years.”


    ~ Pablo Casals
    (1876 - 1973)

  • #1377 - Henri Cartier-Bresson

    #1377 - Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Gyor, Hungary, 1964

    “It is salutary to contemplate the landscapes of Bellini, Hokusai, Poussin, Corot, Cezanne, Bonnard and so many others and to go out into nature yourself, pencil in hand”


    ~ Henri Cartier-Bresson
    (1908 - 2004)

  • #1376 - Anastasia Samoylova

    #1376 - Anastasia Samoylova

    Antique Ford Car, Fort Meyers, 2021

    "I photographed the Antique Ford Car at the Thomas Edison and Henry Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers. The two inventors were friends and frequently summered together with their families. Can you imagine the dinner conversations? The estates feature an orange grove and lush gardens that partially reflect in the windshield. The iconic lines of the Ford Model T rendered in black and white allude to timelessness. I enjoy making images that are classically composed and could be confused with another era."


    ~ Anastasia Samoylova

  • #1375 - Dorothy Bohm

    #1375 - Dorothy Bohm

    Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, 1953

    “A photograph fulfills my deep need to stop things from disappearing”


    ~ Dorothy Bohm
    1924 - 2023

  • #1374 - William Klein

    “Memories, that’s the thing about photography.. I look at the contact sheet and it brings back everything.. Whether I was tired, whether I was full of beans”


    ~ William Klein

  • #1373 - George Hoyningen-Huene

    #1373 - George Hoyningen-Huene

    Beachwear by Schiaparelli, 1928 (Printed Later)

    “A new monumental dignity, a new displacement of space and time had taken hold of the visual arts. Antiquity celebrated its arrival on Montmartre to the sounds of a jazz band, Ionic columns rose next to smoking factory chimneys… Between the pedestals from which the gods of Greece looked naked and silently into the land between snorting horses and athletically built heroic figures, the ladies and gentlemen from Paris, London, New York and Biarritz sunned themselves”

    ~ George Hoyningen Huene

    “A dress has no life of its own unless it is worn. As soon as this happens another personality takes over from you and animates it or tries to, glorifies or destroys it or makes it into a song of beauty”

    ~ Elsa Schiaparelli

  • #1372 - Cecil Beaton

    #1372 - Cecil Beaton

    Charles James Dresses, 1948/Printed Later

    "The truly fashionable are beyond Fashion”


    ~ Cecil Beaton

  • #1371 - Henri Cartier-Bresson

    #1371 - Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Aquila Degli Abruzzi, Italy, 1951

    “I am a visual man. I watch, watch, watch. I understand things through my eyes”


    ~ Henri Cartier-Bresson
    (1908 - 2004)

  • #1370 - Edouard Boubat - Gift Certificates

    “You cannot live when you are untouchable. Life is vulnerability"


    ~ Edouard Boubat

  • #1369 - Louis Stettner

    #1369 - Louis Stettner

    Jardin des Tuileries, 1997/Printed Later

    “New York is a city I loved, a city that forgives nothing but accepts everyone - a place of a thousand moods and vistas, of countless faces in a moving crowd, each one silently talking to you”


    ~ Louis Stettner

  • #1368 - Luis González Palma

    #1368 - Luis González Palma

    El Hombre Triste, 1998

    “In this series of portraits the countenance served as a mirror in which I looked at myself, wondered and searched for meaning...the strength of the glance lies in the power it has to reverse my own, and this power reaches its most intense value if it manages to reverse the spectator’s as well. To the observer, to discover him or her self in this internal, silent gaze, accompanied by this immobile countenance that stares back at him, means to become aware that. We all share a common destiny. A reflection on beauty as fragility, memory as pain and time as a continuous fall”


    ~ Luis González Palma

  • #1367 - William Klein

    #1367 - William Klein

    Simone, Painting, Coffee, Rome, (VOGUE), 1960

    “You do things for yourself and you do things for other people and you hope that these things coincide”


    ~ William Klein

  • #1366 - Paul Cupido

    #1366 - Paul Cupido

    Azul, 2023

    “While human life is fleeting, our individual lives are a rich tapestry of experience an memories”


    ~ Paul Cupido

  • #1365 - Michael Kenna

    #1365 - Michael Kenna

    Hachiman Torii, Kagawa, Shikoku, Japan., 2022

    "Torii gates in Japan symbolize the Shinto belief that deities reside not just in shrines, temples churches, mosques, synagogues and other institutionalized religious structures, but in nature, in the earth, sky and water. These gates serve as reminders to respect and honor the land, the earth and our universe. Personally, I regard them almost as road signs directing me to slow down and smell the roses. Every individual will have their own interpretations, but when I see a Torii gate, I immediately want to free myself from unwanted distractions, focus on what is important, escape from the noise of the world, unclutter my “stuff" and prioritize life. These are heady and ambitious resolutions, usually quite forgotten when back in the “other” world. This particular Torii gate stands outside a small shrine on a sparsely populated island in Shikoku. I have photographed it three times so far, always cognizant that the experience of concentrated waiting and watching could be considered a form of meditation, appropriate to the location."


    ~Michael Kenna

  • #1364 - George Tice

    #1364 - George Tice

    Petit's Mobil Station, Cherry Hill, NJ, 1979 (Printed Later)

    “When I take a photograph I make a wish”


    ~ George Tice

  • #1363 - Horst P. Horst

    #1363 - Horst P. Horst

    Park Ave Fashion, 1962

    “You should find these things yourself. You should never copy. I never look at other photographers’ work. You have to see it for yourself "


    ~ Horst P. Horst

  • #1362 - Cig Harvey

    #1362 - Cig Harvey

    Emily in the River, 2019

    “My pictures are an urgent call to live. A primal roar. Be here now. Experience this. Feel this. They are an invitation to experience the natural world in an immersive way, to find and celebrate beauty in the everyday. I want people to see my work and seek more”


    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1361 - Sebastião Salgado

    #1361 - Sebastião Salgado

    India [woman with flowers in her hair], 2003/Printed 2007

    “A fantastic picture you do in a fraction of a second but to arrive to do this picture you must put your life in there, to give your time and to receive it from the community that you come to see”


    ~ Sebastião Salgado

  • #1360 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    #1360 - Wolfgang Suschitzky

    Charing Cross Road from No. 84, (Marks & Co.), 1936

    “There was no such thing as a photography galleries in the 1930’s. Photography was not considered collectable works of art in those days”


    ~ Wolfgang Suschitzky



    “It is difficult to speak adequately or justly of London. It is not a pleasant place, it is not agreeable or cheerful or easy or exempt from reproach. It is only magnificent"


    ~ Oscar Wilde

  • #1358 - Martine Franck

    #1358 - Martine Franck

    Rehearsal, Ballet Moisseev, Moscow, Russia, 2000

    “I do not believe you can be a good photographer if you aren’t curious about others"


    ~ Martine Franck

  • #1357 - Yousuf Karsh

    #1357 - Yousuf Karsh

    Jascha Heifetz, 1950

    “There is a brief moment when all that there’s in a man’s mind and soul and spirit may be reflected through his eyes, his hands his attitude. This is the moment to record. This is the elusive “moment of truth”."


    ~ Yousuf Karsh
    (1908 - 2002)



    “If I don’t practice one day, I know it.
    Two days the critics know it. Three days the public knows it”


    ~ Jascha Heifetz
    (1901 - 1987)

  • #1356 - Henri Cartier-Bresson

    #1356 - Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Aquila Degli Abruzzi, Italy, 1951

    “Of course I am curious and when I arrive in a place I like to see and understand what happens around me. However, I need to travel slowly and I avoid plane trips. A photographer must not run but walk, tirelessly. Then he can seize what is on offer on the pavement, at the street corner, in life."


    ~ Henri Cartier-Bresson
    (1908 - 2004)

  • #1354 - Josef Koudelka

    “I’m this little guy who walked around on this earth trying to find the place where pictures are waiting for him”


    ~ Josef Koudelka

  • #1353 - Louis Stettner

    #1353 - Louis Stettner

    Elbowing Out of Town, News Stand, New York, 1954/Printed Later

    “New York is a city I loved, a city that forgives nothing but accepts everyone - a place of a thousand moods and vistas, of countless faces in a moving crowd, each one silently talking to you”


    ~ Louis Stettner

  • #1351 - Jeffrey Conley

    #1351 - Jeffrey Conley

    Water's Edge, Venice, 2019, Printed 2024

    “Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.”


    - William Wordsworth



    "We live in trying times. Maybe this is the one thing everyone can agree on. There is a soothing and meditative quality to observing gently breaking waves. From the sounds to the random designs of the unique patterns; these experiences can transform us by shifting focus to something real, primal, and foundational. Such was the case of this photograph, made from the Venice (California) pier. I wanted to distill the shapes I was observing into core, minimalist elements."


    ~ Jeffrey Conley

  • #1352 - Neil Leifer

    #1352 - Neil Leifer

    Portrait of SF Giants center fielder Willie Mays before a game against the LA Dodgers at Candlestick Park, San Francisco CA. July 5th, 1962

    “All you had to do was hang around him and magic would happen. He was naturally gregarious. He was like Ali in that respect, who I photographed alot. He loved the press”


    ~ Neil Leifer



    “There have only been two geniuses in the world
    Willie Mays and Willie Shakespeare”


    ~ Tallulah Bankhead

  • #1350 - Sid Avery

    #1350 - Sid Avery

    Audrey Hepburn with her dog "Famous at Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, CA, 1957
    “The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the care she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman only grows with every passing year”

    ~ Audrey Hepburn
  • #1349 - Michael Kenna

    #1349 - Michael Kenna

    Hillside Fence, Study 9, Teshikaga, Hokkaido, Japan, 2023
    "Driving alone in Hokkaido, some twenty years ago, I was startled to see an attractive fence, climbing up a snow-covered hillside. I stopped the car by the side of the road and photographed it. Later, I would need a truck driver to tow me out of the field of snow where I had inadvertently parked, but that’s another story. Almost every year since, I have returned to Hokkaido and have continued to photograph this fence and the hillside. The minimalism and sheer simplicity of the scene transforms three dimensions into two, and the sparse elements involved seem to make the print more like a Sumi-e ink painting than a photograph. One might think that little could change, year in year out, in such a scene. Yet, each time I revisit, I find that it is different. Perhaps a new pattern and configuration has appeared, an arrangement of forms changes, distance seems to contract or lengthen to become ambiguous, perspectives may shift, snow levels always vary, and the light is never the same. I am so appreciative of this location. It is a gift which keeps giving."

    ~ Michael Kenna
  • #1348 - Norman Seeff

    #1348 - Norman Seeff

    Tina Turner, Bel Air Sequence, 1983
    “I never considered giving up on my dreams. You could say I had an invincible optimism"

    ~ Tina Turner(1939-2023)
    “A photographic session is a joint interpersonal exchange, a kind of creative encounter session at a high level of intensity. For me, photography is more a process of creating an experience than one of looking for pictures”

    ~ Norman Seeff
  • #1347 - Danny Lyon

    #1347 - Danny Lyon

    Crossing the Ohio near Louisville, 1966
    “The pictures do not ask you to help these people but something more difficult.. to be briefly, intricately aware of their existence, an existence as real and significant as your own”

    ~ Danny Lyon
  • #1346 - George Hoyningen-Huene

    #1346 - George Hoyningen-Huene

    Dress by Augusta Bernard, Paris, 1934
    “The images and articles presented in Vogue reflected the interests of the modern woman and influenced her choices regarding where to shop and what to wear”

    ~ George Hoyningen-Huene
    “Huene was a genius. The master of us all”

    ~ Richard Avedon
  • #1345 - William Klein

    #1345 - William Klein

    Anouk Aimée & cigarette, Paris [Vogue], 1962
    “You can only perceive real beauty in a person as they get older”

    ~ Anouk Aimée
    (1932 - 2024)
  • #1344 - Juneteenth Jazz

    #1344 - Juneteenth Jazz

    Duke Ellington, Paris, 1960

    “Jazz is the only unhampered, unhindered expression of complete freedom yet produced in this country.”


    ~ Duke Ellington

  • #1343 - Paul Cupido

    #1343 - Paul Cupido

    Mika At Sea, 2019

    “While human life is fleeting, our individual lives are a rich tapestry of experience an memories”


    ~ Paul Cupido

  • #1342 - Elliott Erwitt

    #1342 - Elliott Erwitt

    New York, (Couple Kissing in back of car), 1953/Printed Later

    "When photography is good, it’s pretty interesting and when it is very good it is irrational and even magical…..nothing to do with the photographer’s conscious will or desire. When the photograph happens, it comes easily, as a gift that should not be questioned or analyzed."


    ~ Elliott Erwitt

  • #1341 - Wynn Bullock

    #1341 - Wynn Bullock

    Gravitation Acceleration (Light Pendulum), 1950 (Printed 1970's)

    "This is a straight positive photograph of light slowed down by air movement and friction. A tiny light was suspended from the ceiling of the darkroom above an exposed piece of film. The design was caused by gravitation slowing down the light after the light was given a single push…."

    ~ Wynn Bullock


    "My father wrote the above words on the back of a mounted print of this photograph of light. It is one of 18 images featured in the beautifully handcrafted 2017 publication of Relativity: Wynn Bullock and Albert Einstein. In his introductory essay, editor Collier Brown wrote: “In this book, 21st Editions presents two great twentieth-century thinkers, one a scientist, one an artist, but both on the same quest to perceive reality beyond the limitations of the senses. Behind both men’s work lies a kindred imagination…." Dad was fascinated by how the universe worked and photography was his way of probing its mysteries. In Gravitation Acceleration, 1950, physics and art come together in a stunningly elegant, graceful dance. "

    ~ Barbara Bullock-Wilson

  • #1340 - Anastasia Samoylova

    #1340 - Anastasia Samoylova

    Key Largo, 2016

    "Key Largo, is one of the earliest images in the project. At that time, I was still photographing speculatively, without any preconceived agenda. Having moved to Miami earlier that year, it all seemed wild and exotic. The first hurricane warnings appeared in the summer. On a weekend getaway to the Keys, I took this photograph of my son climbing on a branch over the ocean. I think of this image as an allegory, both idyllic and uncertain about the future of our children in this changing climate. It appears that solving the crisis will fall largely on them."


    ~ Anastasia Samoylova

  • #1339 - Horst P. Horst

    #1339 - Horst P. Horst

    CoCo Chanel, Paris, 1937

    “Dress shabbily and they remember the dress. Dress impeccably and they remember the woman.”

    ~ Coco Chanel


    “For years Madame Chanel had firmly refused to allow her dresses to be photographed, let alone herself, for Vogue. But one day in 1937 to the frank astonishment of Vogue’s Paris office, she sent word that she would consent to be photographed - on one condition, that I should be the photographer”

    ~ Horst P. Horst

  • #1338 - Michael Kenna

    #1338 - Michael Kenna

    Cikisani Kamuy, Study 1, Sorachi, Hokkaido, Japan, 2023

    "The morning had been far from easy. I had been walking in snow shoes for over an hour, up a steep hill, with Tsuyoshi, my Hokkaido guide of almost twenty years. It was pre-dawn and freezing cold. I had almost reached our goal - a specific tree which sat on a high horizon. My normal modus operandi is to make pictures from a distance with my Hasselblad cameras before moving closer. There is a practical aspect to this as it avoids messing up the foreground with footprints. Eventually, I reached what I considered to be the perfect spot for the best perspective on the tree and I stamped down the snow so that I could plant the tripod. Framing and focussing on the tree, I measured the light with my exposure meter, breathed in and slowly pressed the cable release to trigger the camera shutter. A healthy Hasselblad exposure sounded. Winding the film on, I bracketed half a stop as I often do, and attempted another exposure. This time, nothing happened. My lens had jammed. In my experience, old mechanical cameras sometimes misbehave in sub zero conditions. I don’t blame them - so do I - or would like to. I was not worried. Being a “professional", I always carried two camera bodies with me when out in the landscape. After swapping them out, I went through the same process, pressed the shutter and, only silence. In all of my 50 years of photographing, I have never before had two cameras break down at the same time. After much fumbling around in the cold, cajoling, pleading, cursing, and trying every which way to remedy the situation, I had to give up and return to base. Once back at our car, Tsuyoshi phoned around Hokkaido and finally found a ninety year old camera repair person, many miles away in Asahikawa, who would attempt to repair my cameras. He was able to temporarily fix one, but not the other, and expressed uncertainly that ANY of the photographs I had made that morning, before the camera jammed, would come out. Imagine my delight (and relief) then, months later, after the film was processed, to find this one, well-exposed, image on the film. I consider myself very lucky, and, when its comes down to it, surely, good fortune is one of the most valuable pieces of equipment a photographer can possibly be blessed with."

    ~ Michael Kenna

  • #1337 - William Klein

    #1337 - William Klein

    Staten Island Ferry, New York, 1955
    “The kinetic quality of New York, the kids, the dirt, the madness - I tried to find a photographic style that would come close to it. So I cropped, blurred, played with the negatives”

    ~ William Klein
  • #1336 - André Kertész

    #1336 - André Kertész

    Les Midinettes, Paris, 1926
    “Seeing is not enough. You have to feel what you photograph”

    ~ Andre Kertész
  • #1335 - Anastasia Samoylova

    #1335 - Anastasia Samoylova

    Diving Pelican, 2018
    "While walking along a dark, murky salt marsh, I photographed a hunting pelican in fading daylight. The scene reminded me of a Dutch still life. The dark water and dim side light created a chiaroscuro effect. I have lived in Miami for seven years, but the abundant wildlife here does not get old. Occasionally, pelicans land right next to you if you are in the ocean, and small fishes try to hide under your body."

    ~ Anastasia Samoylova
  • #1334 - John Lennon | Brian Hamill

    #1334 - John Lennon | Brian Hamill

    John Lennon, The Dakota, NYC, 1975
    “The thing the 60’s did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. It wasn’t the answer. It just gave us a glimpse of the possibility”

    ~ John Lennon
  • #The Power of Photography - Fathers Day

    #The Power of Photography - Fathers Day

    Ranch Boy with Father, 1954
    “It is a wise father that knows his own child.”

    ~ William Shakespeare
  • #1333 - Wynn Bullock

    #1333 - Wynn Bullock

    Child in Forest, 1951
    We were traveling along the Redwood Highway trying to find a place to have a picnic. The road was so littered with cans and rubbish that we rode for miles and couldn’t find a place. Finally, we just went off and had our lunch amid the litter. When it was over, I wandered off the highway about 150 feet and saw this incredible scene. It was an ancient virginal forest. Barbara [my daughter] was with us. She was a young virginal child. I knew the qualities of her body would both contrast and harmonize beautifully with the qualities of the dead logs and living plants of the forest. The cyclic character of natural forces would be clearly evident.The light was just right, everything was spatially balanced; the relationships between events – the young child, the new forest covering, the prehistoric trees, the rotting logs – were strong and exciting. Everything went together perfectly. I didn’t have to analyze anything. I just recognized what was in front of me. All I had to do was set up and take the picture.

    ~ Wynn Bullock
  • #1331 - Horst P. Horst

    #1331 - Horst P. Horst

    Round the Clock, N.Y., 1987

    "And so from that time, I was bitten, and investigated and read and collected... and bought a lot."


    ~ Sir Elton John
    (On his love of photography)

  • #1332 - Brett Weston

    #1332 - Brett Weston

    Calla Lilies, California, 1984 (Printed 1989)

    “I photograph out of love to record beautiful forms. It’s a way of life, a compulsion. There is nothing I would rather do.”


    ~ Brett Weston

  • #1330 | Michael Kenna

    #1330 | Michael Kenna

    Kussharo Lake, Study 6, Hokkaido, 2004

    "If still images had embedded sound tracks, while observing this image we might hear hooper swans, plaintively calling out for their breakfast, embracing the chilly early morning stillness of Kussharo Lake, and preparing for the day ahead. The dawn mist has just cleared, distant mountains have become visible, snow still clings to the tree branches, and I am doing what I love to do, walking, observing, exploring, photographing, and welcoming another delicious Hokkaido experience."


    ~ Michael Kenna

  • #1329 - Minor White

    #1329 - Minor White

    Windowsill Daydreaming, Rochester, New York, 1958

    "When gifts are given to me through my camera, I accept them graciously”


    ~ Minor White

  • #1328 - Henri Cartier-Bresson

    #1328 - Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Behind the Gare St. Lazare, Paris, 1932
    “Photography is not documentation but intuition, a poetic experience. It’s drowning yourself, dissolving yourself, then sniff, sniff, sniff- being sensitive to coincidence. You can’t go looking for it: you can’t want it or you won’t get it. First you must lose yourself. Then it happens.

    ~ Henri Cartier-Bresson
  • #1327 - Gifts for Dad - Elliott Erwitt

    #1327 - Gifts for Dad - Elliott Erwitt

    Provence, France (Boy on Bicycle), 1955
    “As fathers, we need to be involved in our children’s lives not just when it’s convenient or easy, and not just when they’re doing well — but when it's difficult and thankless, and they’re struggling. That is when they need us most.”

    ~Barack Obama
  • #1325 - Wynn Bullock

    #1325 - Wynn Bullock

    Driftwood, 1951

    In the still picture, a deeply paradoxical truth exists. Objects can be frozen in time in terms of their specific physical, external qualities, but the mind can respond to these same objects as events in time. This involves, of course, the skill of the photographer in expressing symbolically three dimensional objects and four dimensional time, and the awareness of the viewer that permits him to recognize and respond to the symbols that create the illusion.

    ~ Wynn Bullock

    This photograph was taken during the same family road trip that produced "Child in Forest". The day was cool and misty and we had the beach all to ourselves. Mom and I were hunting for driftwood and shells while Dad was lugging his 8x10 view camera around just in case…. Although what he found wasn’t something we could cart home with us to put in the garden, he did win the prize for the most spectacular find of the day!

    ~ Barbara Bullock-Wilson

  • #1326 - Lee Friedlander

    #1326 - Lee Friedlander

    New York City (Shadow), 1966
    “You don't have to go looking for pictures. The material is generous. You go out and the pictures are staring at you”

    ~ Lee Friedlander
  • #1324 - Larry Towell

    #1324 - Larry Towell

    Lambton County, Ontario, Canada , 1990

    "If there's one theme that connects all my work, I think it's that of landlessness; how land makes people into who they are and what happens to them when they lose it and thus lose their identities"


    ~ Larry Towell

  • #1323 - D.J. Ruzicka

    #1323 - D.J. Ruzicka

    New York (Rockefeller Center), c. 1930s

    "I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living."


    ~ John D Rockefeller

  • #1322 - Pentti Sammallahti

    #1322 - Pentti Sammallahti

    Marmaris, Turkey, 2000
    “He was not bone and feather but a perfect idea of freedom and flight, limited by nothing at all”

    ~ Richard Bach
    (Jonathan Livingston Seagull)
  • #1321 - Gifts for Dad - William Heick

    #1321 - Gifts for Dad - William Heick

    Hats, Father's Day Picnic, 1948
    “She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent moral force in her life, was the love of her father.”

    ~ Harper Lee
  • #1320 - Michael Kenna

    #1320 - Michael Kenna

    Lotus Pond, Henjouson-in, Koyasan, 2006

    "As a photographer, one might, if very fortunate, be commissioned to photograph in a location that would otherwise be difficult to access. Such was the case in 2006 when Traveler Magazine kindly asked me to spend a week on Mt. Koya, (aka Koya San), the Honshu mountain top headquarters of the Shingon Buddhist sect. I stayed in a different residential temple every night, sleeping on tatami floors and dining on vegetables, roots and nuts. I photographed monks and pilgrims, inside and outside of temples, sand gardens, stone lanterns, tombstones in the ancient Okunoin graveyard, and the surrounding landscape. I experienced exquisite Buddhist rituals and services. The whole experience was thrilling and life changing.

    This photograph of a Lotus Pond next to the Henjouson Temple was made one very early, pre-dawn morning. The light was soft and quiet, as if the day was just waking up from a deep sleep. The exposure was perhaps twenty minutes, so the water becomes a sort of mist, swirling around the one central point where water sprays into the air. I remember birds singing and monks chanting. Occasional figures walked by, across the bridge, but the long exposure ensured they dissolved and become invisible."


    ~ Michael Kenna

  • #1319 - Manuel Alvarez Bravo

    #1319 - Manuel Alvarez Bravo

    Fruta Prohibida, 1976/printed c. 1980

    “I work for the pleasure of the work and everything else is a matter for the critics. I think that light and shadow have exactly the same duality that exists between life and death. When one takes a photograph one doesn’t think about saying anything in particular”


    ~ Manuel Alvarez Bravo

  • #1318 - Louis Stettner

    #1318 - Louis Stettner

    Aubervilliers, 1949/Printed Later

    “Looking back upon those early years in Paris I realize that not only was the city a great inspiration but also that the Parisians gave me the reassurance that I was doing something important. There was an innate respect for artists - for what we were doing and for having the courage to take the hard road. Yet it was a joyous route, such magnificent sights and human splendor along the way that difficulties magically effaced themselves. One regretted nothing and would have it no other way”


    ~ Louis Stettner

  • #1317 - Anastasia Samoylova

    #1317 - Anastasia Samoylova

    Garden, Micanopy, 2020
    “The Garden in Micanopy belongs to a former pine farm turned mansion dating back to the 1840s. While working on my Floridas project, I arrived at the estate late in the evening to check into my rental room. It was pitch black outside; loud cicadas overpowered the sound of my car motor. Despite the tranquil setting, I couldn’t sleep all night due to the old house noises. Quite exhausted in the early morning, I was greeted by this serene yet somewhat ghostly scene. It reminded me of Victorian fairy pictures.”

    ~ Anastasia Samoylova
  • #1316 - William Klein

    #1316 - William Klein

    Selwyn Theatre, 42nd Street, New York, 1955

    “Sometimes, I’d take shots without aiming, just to see what happened. I’d rush into crowds. It must be close to what a fighter feels after jabbing and circling and getting hit when suddenly there’s an opening and Bang! Bang! Right on the button. It’s fantastic feeling”


    ~ William Klein

  • #1315 - Paul Cupido

    #1315 - Paul Cupido

    Tree Ladder, 2019

    “I am to engage with the world with wide open senses. My work is about the magic moments of life as well as its inconveniences. I want to take pictures while forgetting about the process of photography until I’m saturated with an existential sense of life. Every step I take begins with the notion of “mono no aware", the transience of everything, the gentle melancholy of things being sensate to ephemera"


    ~ Paul Cupido

  • #1314 - Flor Garduño

    #1314 - Flor Garduño

    Taita Marcos, Cotacachi, Ecuador, 1988

    “My artistic quest is also a search for the characters in my dreams"


    ~ Flor Garduño

  • #1312 - Michael Kenna

    #1312 - Michael Kenna

    Kussharo Lake, Study 5, Hokkaido, Japan, 2002 (Printed 2013)

    "Perhaps the secret to being a productive photographer is just about showing up - being in the right place at the right time to record and/or interpret the miraculous beauty of our world. I have frequently visited and photographed around Kussharo Lake, more than most places in Japan. Set high up in the North East of Hokkaido, there is something alluring, attractive and mysterious about the place that consistently calls me back. No matter how many times I walk along its banks, the view is never the same, it changes and recharges every minute to reveal a continual stream of astonishingly beautiful new treasures and delights. On this particularly cold morning, the frozen ice combined with the natural hot spring water to produce clouds of white mist which rose behind black, inky trees. I was there at one of many “right" times and I knew that it would been very difficult to make a poor photograph. Having frequently returned to this location since, I have found, to my great satisfaction, there have been many other “right” times.."


    ~ Michael Kenna

  • #1311 - Lillian Bassman

    #1311 - Lillian Bassman

    Dress by Thierry Mugler, German VOGUE, 1998

    “Photographing women is like capturing poetry in motion. Their beauty unfolds like verses and each frame reveals a new stanza of their story”


    ~ Lillian Bassman
    (1917 - 2012)

  • #1310 - Elliott Erwitt

    #1310 - Elliott Erwitt

    New York City. 1982. 'Little girl looking out window', 1982

    “Something catches your eye or your interest. You attack it in one way or observe it in some way and try and put it in some kind of form and take a picture. It’s as simple as that”


    ~ Elliott Erwitt
    (1928 - 2023)

  • #1309 - William Klein

    #1309 - William Klein

    Nina, Isabella and Evelyn, New York, 1962

    “I’m known for fashion photography but in America, kids would go to college and get out and buy a second hand car and go across the country and discover America. I never did that. I went from New York to Paris and New York was my America”


    ~ William Klein

  • #1308 - Manuel Álvarez Bravo

    #1308 - Manuel Álvarez Bravo

    La Hija de los Danzantes [The Daughter of the Dancers], 1933
    “When one takes a photograph, one doesn’t think about saying anything in particular. One doesn’t think about making a statement but rather of creating something visual which can later bear a meaning that one didn’t intend to transmit-depending on the viewer’s interpretation but not necessarily on the photographer’s”

    ~ Manuel Álvarez Bravo
  • #1307 - Cig Harvey

    #1307 - Cig Harvey

    All the Rhododendrons, Camden, Maine, 2019

    “When I’m not making work, I’m spending my time reading. I’m reading and thinking about how to present something in a different way visually or through words”


    ~ Cig Harvey

  • #1306 - Sarah Moon

    John Galliano for Dior, 2022

    “I create situations that do not exist. I seek the truth from fiction.”


    ~ Sarah Moon

  • #1305 - Mother's Day 2024

    #1305 - Mother's Day 2024

    Audrey Hepburn on her bike with her dog "Famous" at Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, CA, 1957

    “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.”


    ~ Maya Angelou

  • #1303 - Marc Riboud

    #1303 - Marc Riboud

    Highbury Stadium, England, 1954

    “Photographs must be taken without an exchange of glances between the photographer and the subject. Without giving, without returning anything. I just shoot”


    ~ Marc Riboud

  • #1302 - Paul Cupido

    #1302 - Paul Cupido

    Varanasi, India, 1956

    “For me personal experiences are the initial impulses to create. When presenting the work after period of contemplation, I hope these feelings and emotions become more abstract and universal. In the end it is not about us, but a deeper, universal emotion and connection”


    ~ Paul Cupido

  • #1301 - Jeffrey Conley - View at Photo London May 16-19th

    #1301 - Jeffrey Conley - View at Photo London May 16-19th

    First Light, Oregon, 2020, Printed 2024

    "I think of being out in the landscape as a time to harvest observations - then in the darkroom is the time where the observation finds its voice, its landing space in its physical manifestation"


    ~ Jeffrey Conley

  • #1300 - Marc Riboud

    #1300 - Marc Riboud

    Varanasi, India, 1956

    “There are different ways of seeing. I have mine. For me to photograph a beautiful face, a misty landscape is somehow like listening to music or reading poetry. It helps me to live”


    ~ Marc Riboud

  • #1299 - Jane Bown

    #1299 - Jane Bown

    Bertrand Russell

    “I was terrified, I didn’t think I even knew who he was. But the light was good”

    ~ Jane Bown


    “War doesn’t determine who is right - only who is left”

    ~ Bertrand Russell


  • #1298 - Luis González Palma

    “In my artistic process I have tried to create images that invite the observer to examine by means of what I call “emotional contemplation” assigning through the beauty in them the meaning of their shape”


    ~ Luis González Palma

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