"I never, ever, went out without my camera, even to buy bread."
~ Willy Ronis
(1910 - 2009)
Willy Ronis was one of the all-time great French humanist photographers. I was introduced to him by no less a figure than the great Henri Cartier-Bresson with the words, “Peter, go work with Willy, he’s better than me.”
I have always felt La Nuit au Chalet, was one of his greatest photographs. I asked him one day when I was visiting him and he was in his nineties, what the background was to this image. He told me that this young woman was amongst a group of friends of his and they all went skiing for the weekend. Willy said he was madly in love with this young woman, but he was so shy and it was one of those great unrequited love stories. As he told me this the tears were running down his face and I joined him too being so moved by this story and seeing a man in his nineties crying over his lost love.
For any questions or inquiries email peter@peterfetterman.com