“At first, I looked questionably at the field weeds and stems stuck into a vase, but on further scanning of the back ground, I became enamored of the pane of glass dappled with raindrops and misty patches of light. I was taken with how beautifully dark and light were splashed throughout the image and how easily the stems and dry flowers graced the vase. Taken as a whole, this photo meets the eye as an overall texture rather than as neatly grouped elements with a frame. Were it not for some of the parts showing how crisply they can be delineated by the camera lens, I would describe this photograph as being gently impressionistic."
~ Paul Caponigro
Paul is a master of mood and atmosphere.. Although I live in California now where rain is often a rare occurrence, this image brings back all my memories of growing up in that soggy little Island of England where often the rain is part of one’s daily life. ( Oh I forgot my brolly again!). One is often staring out the window wondering when it will all stop. A beautiful and special image in Paul’s wonderful body of work.
Please note the gallery will be closed December 24th - January 2nd for our holiday break. If you are visiting for the holidays and are interested in a personal VIP appointment or have an urgent photo need please email Peter directly at peter@peterfetterman.com. We look forward to seeing you in the new year!
For any other questions or inquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com