"If you ever saw me on a set—not now that I'm 94, but when I photographed for real, you know, on my feet—the moment I got interested in what I was doing, my shoes went off. I would get on the paper, dance barefoot, dance for the models, move in the way I wanted them to move, really dance barefoot in front of the camera, take on the body movements that I felt would get them to move—actually to dance in front of the camera."
~ Lillian Bassman
(1917 - 2012)
Lillian Bassman, was an extraordinarily talented American fashion photographer, and a dear friend. She possessed a remarkable ability to infuse all her work with emotional depth and beauty. In her distinctive style, she captured the graceful and fluid movements of her subjects, using creative lighting and composition to accentuate their elegance. Her photographs convey a profound sense of emotion and mood, and when depicting a woman diving, she perfectly and absolutely captures the determination, freedom, and a touch of vulnerability in the subject's act. Her work truly transcends the realm of fashion photography. Enjoy!
For any questions or inquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com