"This is a straight positive photograph of light slowed down by air movement and friction. A tiny light was suspended from the ceiling of the darkroom above an exposed piece of film. The design was caused by gravitation slowing down the light after the light was given a single push…."
~ Wynn Bullock
"My father wrote the above words on the back of a mounted print of this photograph of light. It is one of 18 images featured in the beautifully handcrafted 2017 publication of Relativity: Wynn Bullock and Albert Einstein. In his introductory essay, editor Collier Brown wrote: “In this book, 21st Editions presents two great twentieth-century thinkers, one a scientist, one an artist, but both on the same quest to perceive reality beyond the limitations of the senses. Behind both men’s work lies a kindred imagination…." Dad was fascinated by how the universe worked and photography was his way of probing its mysteries. In Gravitation Acceleration, 1950, physics and art come together in a stunningly elegant, graceful dance. "
~ Barbara Bullock-Wilson
I believe this innate desire to perceive our world continues today. We are drawn to art and science because both disciplines strive to understand and reveal the deeper truths of our reality. We want to know, we want to understand and yet as fast as we can reach some sort of conclusion the universe offers more enigmas. Perhaps Wynn's photograph is also a visual of this.
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