“In this series of portraits the countenance served as a mirror in which I looked at myself, wondered and searched for meaning...the strength of the glance lies in the power it has to reverse my own, and this power reaches its most intense value if it manages to reverse the spectator’s as well. To the observer, to discover him or her self in this internal, silent gaze, accompanied by this immobile countenance that stares back at him, means to become aware that. We all share a common destiny. A reflection on beauty as fragility, memory as pain and time as a continuous fall”
~ Luis González Palma
Luis González Palma's reflections on portraits beautifully encapsulate the profound connection between the observer and the subject. The sense of loneliness combined with emotional strength resonates deeply, creating a space where contradictions and ambiguities flourish. It highlights the shared human experience, reminding us that beauty, memory, and time intertwine in our common destiny.
For any questions or enquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com