“I’m this little guy who walked around on this earth trying to find the place where pictures are waiting for him”
~ Josef Koudelka
I have known and met many great photographers but no one is more enigmatic or truly unique than Josef. He is a master of true, deep uncompromising passion and energy both in his work and the way he lives his life. His feelings are authentic and he sees everything around him better than anyone else. He is “pure” in the sense that he has no interest in fame or money. He is an extraordinarily humble for a man of such vast achievements, and lives a very simple life. I have never met anyone who beats more to their own drum and his drum resonates with such a powerful force and is deeply deeply moving.
This is one of his great images from “Exiles”. I have looked at this image for so many years now but still have not completely understood its sense of mystery and power. The men are dressed in formal suits, the flash of light in the foreground. It is just haunting.
As Josef says “I use reality but do not document reality”. A one of a kind artist whose work is always compelling and strong.
For any questions or enquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com