“The joy of geometry ! When you realize everything is right"
~ Henri Cartier Bresson
Well everything was for sure right on this day in Siphnos, Greece in 1961. Henri was on assignment for the US magazine “Holiday” for whom he often worked through the Magnum Agency. He employed one of the most important assets that every great photographer must have PATIENCE.
He saw the shapes, the lines, the light and the shadows focusing on the central passage of the proposed image. All he needed was the perfect human component to give the image true meaning. Et voilà! A little girl out of the blue comes running in balance with all the other elements. For mere mortals the girl would be halfway to Athens by the time we would have realized that there was lightening to be caught in a bottle. But in the hands of the master? No more needs to be said.
For any questions or enquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com