“It’s a romantic, emotional moment in time”
~ Ansel Adams
This image of course is one of the great photographs in the history of photography. It’s a masterpiece and it will for ever remain an enduring distillation of the American West, with its desolate landscapes, its serrated peaks and its pioneering inhabitants. As our friend and great Adams scholar, Rebecca Senf, so eloquently puts it “The drama comes in part from the relative scale of the elements, the endless quality of the sky reminds viewers of how small and seemingly insignificant we are in the face of the Universe”.
This physical print is just in such perfect condition and tonality. It must have been one of Ansel’s great great days in the darkroom. When you stand in front of it you are humbled by it’s primal mystery, and in it’s spiritual transcendence.
For any questions or enquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com