"This photograph is a negative print: what we see here is the tonal reverse of the positive original. How it was made, however, does not intrude on our visual experience of the image, and this was important to Bullock. For some, this is a picture of fertility, generation and abundant life. The fact that these qualities are expressed through rock – a rock filled with seed pebbles aglow with new life – only serves to enhance and extend our appreciation of them."
~ Chris Johnson and Barbara Bullock-Wilson
from Wynn Bullock: 55, Phaidon Press, 2001
Wynn's daughter, Barbara, has so kindly reflected on some of her father's images and it's inspiring to hear her thoughts and memories of her father and his photography.
Dad once said, “In a photograph, if I am able to evoke not alone a feeling of the reality of the surface physical world, but also a feeling of the reality of existence that lies mysteriously and invisibly beneath its surface, I feel I have succeeded.” Dad believed that all things were alive with energy and he found that the technique of negative printing gave him a way of expressing that photographically with certain images. Of course, not all images lend themselves to this treatment, but Dad became adept at knowing when and how to use it to create powerful visual symbols of the energy inherent in all things. When I look at Pebble Beach, 1970, I see a rock nursery pulsing with life and feel akin to the universe.
~ Barbara Bullock-Wilson
Not every photograph may be powerful but great photographers like Wynn truly do create magic from the ordinary. There is undeniable energy to this image and thats all thanks to Wynn's great gift and vision.
For any questions or enquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com