"My working method consists of two parts. The first is collecting, a fully intuitively process, in which the emotional experience is key and technique is of minor or very little importance. When photographing, for example, I don’t pay that many attention to sharpness. However, in the second stage, after the material has been collected, I’ll put all the dedication into the work, the editing, the printing. This process can take a long time, just like aging wine. It is impossible to predict what will come out, but I treat this second part with the most care and attention. Knowing, that the real beauty lies in the imperfection, the little mistakes, edges or elements that you didn't foresee."
~ Paul Cupido
Paul Cupido, with his profound sense of humility, embraces the concept of Mukayu in his images. It's an idea that gently revolves around emptiness, non-attachment, and the unspoken essence of existence. In Zen philosophy, this emptiness quietly holds space for everything, never cluttered, never overwhelmed. The simplicity of the sky and branches in Cupido’s photograph feels like a reflection of that same harmony, the bright blossoms whispering of life's fleeting moments. It's a gentle reminder of beauty’s impermanence, encouraging us to find peace and appreciation in the present without holding on too tightly.
For any questions or enquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com