“A new monumental dignity, a new displacement of space and time had taken hold of the visual arts. Antiquity celebrated its arrival on Montmartre to the sounds of a jazz band, Ionic columns rose next to smoking factory chimneys… Between the pedestals from which the gods of Greece looked naked and silently into the land between snorting horses and athletically built heroic figures, the ladies and gentlemen from Paris, London, New York and Biarritz sunned themselves”
~ George Hoyningen Huene
“A dress has no life of its own unless it is worn. As soon as this happens another personality takes over from you and animates it or tries to, glorifies or destroys it or makes it into a song of beauty”
~ Elsa Schiaparelli
George Hoyningen-Huene, through his immense talent turned simple, on the surface “Product shots” into songs of beauty. He is at the top of the pantheon of fashion photography and his influence on younger photographers working today is still very evident.
This two-piece bathing suit from Schiaparelli comprised a hand knitted sweater with black stripes, and flannel shorts with pearl buttons. It is understated in comparison to many of Schiaparelli’s other designs, but Huene introduces a surreal note by placing mannequin legs at the top of the scene, resembling those of the model Bettina Jones below. Pure magic.
For any questions or enquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com