"It took me 30 years and a lot of pain to discover the truth of what Henri Cartier Bresson always said “One should only use one camera, with one lens that coincides with your angle of vision, with the same film at its normal speed. The rest is just gimmicks and hardware”
~ Jean-Philippe Charbonnier
“She’s my first love”
~ Miles Davis
“He’s a man I have deep love for and huge admiration”
~ Juliette Greco
Two great artists meet in Paris in 1949. You can just feel the heat between them in one of the great love stories in the history of music, two extraordinary talents collide.
The great French philosopher and writer Jean Paul Sartre reportedly once asked Miles why he and Ms Grecco were not married. According to Ms. Greco, Mr. Davis replied, “I love her too much to make her unhappy.”