#1099 - Brett Weston

Garrapata Beach CA 1954
#1099 - Brett Weston

"The camera for an artist is just another tool. It is no more mechanical than a violin if you analyze it. Beyond the rudiments, it is up to the artist to create art, not the camera.”


~ Brett Weston

I was lucky to stumble upon a mesmerizing photograph of Brett Weston's that beautifully encapsulates the essence of Garrapata Beach, nestled south of Carmel in Monterey County, California. This captivating image reveals a stunning interplay of light and shadows on the sandy shoreline, with substantial rocks and their corresponding shadows zigzagging across the bright expanse of sand as they recede into the distance. This print is very rare in this large format and has astonishing “Wall Power. Standing before it you feel you are actually there.

What truly sets this photograph apart is how it renders these natural forms flat as you move upwards in the frame, infusing the composition with an abstract quality. It's as if nature itself becomes an artist, painting with light and earthy hues, inviting contemplation of the raw beauty of this coastal gem while simultaneously evoking a sense of wonder at the abstract patterns it weaves. This image brought to mind your appreciation for both art and the wonders of our world, and I couldn't resist sharing it with you, hoping it sparks your imagination and perhaps inspires your next adventure to this enchanting corner of California.