“Every movement in the arm of the iguana is the same that we have in our arm – I identify with the iguana as my cousin. All of us came from the same cells. In a moment it was possible to be an iguana and the iguana to be me.”
~ Sebastião Salgado
The Galapagos Islands are a unique environment and their inhabitants are certainly amazing. As you can imagine a perfect match for Sebastião Salgado, a master photographer and a profound storyteller.
In this photograph, Salgado's meticulous attention to detail and his ability to convey the essence of his subjects showcases the iguana's unique dark coloration, scaly skin, and distinctive shape. He also brilliantly captures the creature's adaptation to both its land and marine environment. A testament to his ability to convey the beauty and significance of the Galapagos Islands' unique wildlife and precious ecosystems. Bravo!