“At Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, I found Einstein, a simple, kindly almost childlike man, too great for any of the posturing of eminence. One did not have to understand his science to feel the power of his mind or the force of his personality. He spoke sadly, yet sincerely as one who had looked into the universe, far past mankind’s small affairs. When I asked him what the world would be like were another atomic bomb to be dropped, he replied wearily “Alas we will no longer be able to hear the music of Mozart”.
~ Yousuf Karsh
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning”
~ Albert Einstein
Without doubt the greatest portrait ever taken of one of the greatest minds of the 20th Century.
In portrait after portrait I never cease to be amazed at Karsh’s constant ability. He has captured the essence of the soul of every subject before his lens. He never seemed to miss or have a bad day. He had a supreme insight into what makes a person tick and the technical ability and subtle nuance to connect us to them.